
Hey guys, I was thinking of setting up a carport, 7x15 or somewhere along those lines for my Miata for the winter on top of grass/concrete, has anyone set one up in the area to protect their summer car from snow/salt? Thoughts?

Basically something along these lines

It’ll be 400+ for the season for indoor storage so I thought I’d look into temp storage if I could achieve something satisfactory for cheaper than paying for a garage spot.



I know Adictd2b00st had one for a while next to his garage and it held up good over the winter. I’d imagine you’d want to keep it out of areas with a lot of wind though.

Thanks for the input, it would be between my house and my neighbor’s, so I’m not really concerned about wind.

stake it down, and don’t park on grass if you can avoid it, put down a form vapor and weed barrier and gravel if you can. the plants give off a lot of moisture and condensation will develop like a greenhouse.

Thanks. If I put down a weed barrier and gravel, will the grass grow back in the spring if it’s around the first frost and the grass is gonna get covered in snow shortly anyways?

I googled it but nothing came up for a form vapor, what is that exactly?

Sorry if these questions are dumb, I’m not so much familiar with this stuff.


if it’s not going to be permanent, heavy plastic will suffice. it should grow back in the spring, may take quite some time. if it’s going to stay a parking spot, a water permeable weed barrier and gravel would be better.

Awesome, thanks for the input

Between the cost of the car port, shipping, and whatever you are going to use for a moisture barrier, you are right at the cost of the indoor storage for the winter. Plus, indoor storage you drive it there and forget about it, not go and dick with setting it up.

I’m sure you can find something for less than $400. I rented a whole garage for $200 last winter, watch craigslist.

I used the hf tent… That with somegorilla duct tape and it was solid!

Smaefer used one and in the spring had to repaint the sides of his car…


hence the recommendation to STAKE IT DOWN, LOL