parking outdoors in winter

if you’re forced to park your car outdoors in winter what would you do to protect your car and minimize your snow/ice removal time?

I’ve been looking at those temporary auto shelters/garage

but somehow I don’t think they’ll hold up in heavy snow/ice storm (ie October storm) and collapse on my car doing more harm than good

comments? thoughts?

these things would fail in any heavy snow or ice storm

I’d rather rock a car cover then that…if that fall onto your car it seems it will do more damage then help

car cover/pushbroom


That thing will def not hold up to NY winters. The weight of the snow will most def. collapse that. Either get a nice car cover (I have one for sale if interested because NY winters aren’t that harsh) or you can get the same kind of thing in a durable plastic that I’ve seen. Still your best bet is a heavy car cover.

I should have stated for daily use…

I mean you can’t throw a car cover over your car once you get home from work. Or am I stupid, and you can?

BTW it won’t be for use in WNY, it’d be in MA

i had one blow away on me in the fall, let alone the winter i’m sure it’d be even more prone to fail.

Anything else would just be more trouble than it’s worth. If you don’t have a garage you don’t have a garage…

Worry about it in the morning like everyone else? :shrug:

Walk out, depress clutch, turn ignition key, heat to full blast, back inside to shower and change, back to car which is warm and cleaned off.


Walk out, depress clutch, turn ignition key, heat to full blast, back inside to shower and change, back to car which is warm and cleaned off.


That is un-American due to the fact it involves general effort. I hereby declare you a Terrorist and general enemy to our nation. Good day to you sir!

I just used one of those shelters from harbor freight over this last winter… i built it correctly and it lasted the entire winter without issue…

i have heard that those things dont work because it collects more condensation on the car than it would just being outside. but since it will be a dd and it prob wont just be sitting. snow> condensation


That is un-American due to the fact it involves general effort. I hereby declare you a Terrorist and general enemy to our nation. Good day to you sir!


Let me tell you, running outside in sandals and just a pair of shorts or pajama pants on a 0 degree morning REALLY wakes you up. :funny:

is that a homemade flame thrower?

There are some covers like that that’ll work. We used to have one over our jacuzzi, used it for 5 years then we got lazy putting it back together every year. It has thick steel tubing for the frame, cross members and a very heavy canvas type cover on it. I’ll get the name next time I’m at my dads.


Let me tell you, running outside in sandals and just a pair of shorts or pajama pants on a 0 degree morning REALLY wakes you up. :funny:


I’ll keep that in mind if I’m having a rough morning. :tup:

Here is what I do guys.

I buy two car covers once a year at walmart. I like getting the dupont tyvex material ones. They are very waterproof for about a year, then you throw them out.

You roll the car onto the one cover, and tuck the other cover over it, then rope the two together.

Car stays dry, and when spring comes you just throw the car covers out.

The car covers are 19 bucks each i think.

Those shelters sound like a good idea, until the first blizzard comes along and the thing falls over.

keep your car waxed and put a glass treatment on like aquapel or something and the ice falls off in big sheets, no scraping required usually