question about winter and your car

i have a question during the winter what is the best way to keep the car from getting any damage or rust.i have no garage so its in a i just let it sit there or do i cover it whats the best way?

well its mostly the salt that causes rust. id get a cover and start the thing once a week.maybe throw it up on jack stands so u dont get flat spots in the tires? your gunna have it in the driveway right? not the grass

Is the car on grass or on pavement in your back yard?

i’d put a cover on if the car’s paint isnt original or has flaws eventhough isnt expose to salts. flaws meaning bare metal areas or clears are not well covered. also, i’d wax it before putting it away.

Wax it and if you wanted to go far…Check the undercarriage for any spots that the undercoating has worn away and just hit it with some 3m stuff like 14 bucks a can. the majority of my business is repairing rust

its better to just let it sit rather than starting it once a week.


Circulated fresh oil (not jst a simple change) and gas stabilizer will do better than starting it for a few minutes a week. Also either get a trickle-charger (not practical outdoors) or pull the battery - low voltages (rather than on/off) can mess with electronics.

Also - if you put it on jackstands to avoid flat-spotting the tires, be sure to keep the suspension under load (e.g. jackstands under axle, not frame). Otherwise, the suspension “droop” exposes more bare metal on the struts/shocks.

plug your exhaust up. don’t want any critters getting up in there and dying.

Curious about this as well, im going to be parking my car in the driveway next week until spring, and maybe drive it once a month if i need to

Should i just “leave it there” lol? and not do anything? Im going to leave a 1/4 tank of gas so the gas tank doesnt freeze or whatever, but do you need to do anything else?

Wax and cover it… if you drive it in snow get a wash every time you finish driving.

avoid driving it, and just leave a trickle charger on the battery. as stated before keep it up on jackstands but under the suspension pieces to avoid the droop.

fill up the tank all the way.

my car is kept in the garage all winter and i put my battery inside on a trickle charger, but i always leave the tank full, with the windows cracked open a little under my car cover. keep it up in the air on the lift all winter too…

plug the exhuast. dont drive it til spring. fill the gas tank all the way up so it doesnt get water in there. (condensation etc) put and extra 10 psi in the tires. thats what i do anyway

But i have to use it to sell honda parts lol

unhook the battery too

bring the battery in the house, on the basement on a wood block. Trickle charge it outside a couple times during the year.

Fresh oil, full tank of gas and some stabil in there.

Thats about all I did.

Oh, I like to buy those 30 dollar walmart dupont TYVEK car covers, they work great.

what about storing on grass? lay down some plywood and put a tarp over it and park the car on top? or how should that be done

Parking grass is the worst. ^Maybe plywood and tarp would help, not sure. EDIT: The mice and chipmonks will do more damage than rust though.
If it is a collectable car you plan on keeping forever it should be inside. If is just your summer car you will be trading in - who cares really?

When I had a summer car and only a one garage car garage, the summer car was parked inside. I had a snow brush for the winter car. :slight_smile:

I park mine in a garage and pull the motor and store it in another garage.

Isn’t that what everyone does, or is it just a DSM thing?!?!

I thought for DSM’s it crankwalked itself over to the other garage?

Something I do to help keep critters out is put dryer sheets around the car, I put a couple under the dash a couple under the front seats and a couple in the trunk. It’ll keep rodents/pests out as they don’t like the strong soapy smell but won’t stink up your car like moth balls would. I also change the oil right before, fill up the tank and put fuel stabilizer in and let run for at least 5 minutes so it makes its way through entire fuel system. Definitely wash and wax the entire car and make sure it’s as clean as possible inside and out. The battery is disconnected but it’s at a shop in a heated garage all winter so I’m not sure what other steps they do once I drop it off to them and I’m not sure if there are any other steps that should be taken for storing it outside. I do know my friend stored his car outside for a winter once and he used a car cover and had a little problem in the spring with his paint being scuffed up from the car cover. As the snow would melt and then refreeze it created ice on the car cover and when the wind would blow it would rub against the clear coat, now the paint is nowhere near as mint as it previously was. Not sure if maybe the car cover just didn’t fit properly or what but just putting it out there.