storing the car for winter

i’ve never stored my 240 for the winter, was just wondering what precautions i should use. what i plan to do, please correct me if i am making no sense at all

jack the car up on jack stand to prevent flat spot on my tires, keep the wieght off my suspension

fuel line anti freeze stuff

slow charge for my battery

i figure to start the car at least twice a week, but don’t plan on drivng it, just let it idle for a few minutes.

anyother comments would be much appreciated, the car will be inside a garage.


That sounds pretty good. I don’t think that you have to start it up that often, maybe once every week would be fine.

What I did also, was leave my windows down about 3/8 of an inch and every so often, I apply some spray silicone onto the window mouldings and door mouldings (via a rag). This will help get rid of that high speed wind noise if you have it and prevent it if you don’t have it yet.

Some people disconnect their battery as well.

One more thing, make sure your anti freeze is the proper mixture so that it doesn’t freeze (that would suck).

I hope this helps you out.

Fellow s14 owner,

if your gona start it up that often you should be prepared to buy new plugs in the spring because you will fowel (sp :P) them.

i had to put my car outside :cry: it has a tarp over it and i pre- tensioned the springs a bit and put the tires to 50psi but my tires are shit anyway

Tarps are a bad idea more often than not.

They create a temperature difference between the air inside the tarp and the air outside the tarp. This can cause condensation, which can cause rust, which is bad.

I would just take the battery out of the car completly and put it inside somewhere not sitting directly on concrete though. There really isnt much point in starting your car that often when storing it for the winter. And as Jesse said, be prepared to buy new plugs because you will foul the shit out of them if you run your car for a few minutes every week!

hmmm, i see, i just figured to start the car to ensure the battery doesn’t die. pulling the battery out completely doesn’t sound like a bad idea, and what would be ideal in terms of starting the car? should i start it and drive it, or just start it once every week or two, and let it idle for a minute or 2 and cut it off?

does it make sense to leave the car on jack stands? i suppose i should install the d2’s after winter, but i was hoping to remove my current suspension and sell it on ebay to help out my funds situation.

thanks for all the tips guys, never had to store a car before, and i’m gonna have fresh paint when i get her back, so i really don’t wanna leave it on my driveway.

give the pros a call… i.e.

being a “potential customer” ask them in detail about their storage techniques and why it would be a good idea to go with them. Then use their methods in your own garage to the best of your ability.