Car Storage

Hey guys I bought a s13 like 3-4 weeks ago and this is going to be my first time storing a car for winter. What do I need to do before storing the car, I will have access to the car daily since its in my garage so whatever needs to be done I surely will do.

Let me know what you guys do when storing your 240sx.


Theres no single right way to do it. Everyone has different lengths they will go to when storing. some of the things i do are…

bump up tire pressure
sunoco 94 full tank
pour fuel stabilizer in… run for 10-15mins
open box of baking soda and place in interior
before taking it out in the spring, change oil



do a fresh oil change before u store it i would say…if u can put it on jack stands, or on spare crappy tires…tires can get a flat spot if they are sat on for too long

everything else that was said aswell

most people like to disconnect the battery as well as the above mentioned things.

good point. i also did that this year… forgot to mention it

-ideally- youd take the battery out and keep it inside in a dry and relatively warm place

Wouldn’t the flat spot go away after driving for a lil bit? Like with the heat and whatnot?

when i stored my car, i made sure i timed it right, the oil has around 300kms left before an oil change, so when i pull it out in spring, a oil change will be needed. also, i made sure its not in gear or on the ebrake. .dunno the exact reason, and i have blocks and shit helping the car stay put cause my garage is on a tiny incline. i pull the car out and start it for 15 min twice a week, jsut to avoid flat spots on the tire, and the oil get too thick i guess, and also charge the battery a bit while its running. and at the same time, i wobble the car abit to put some wiggle jiggle to the shocks and springs.
thats about it.

Thanks guys you have been very helpful appreciate it!


instead of messy baking soda, put a plate full of moth balls on each seat.
everything else was mentioned already

DO NOT start the car…

if you are going to… start AND drive the car for a good 45 mins then put it away.

other wise it just hard on the engine.

fluids JUST start to really warm up and circulate if its only started a few mins at a time.


you see flyingchicken i told you not to start the car. It’s bad for the engine because oil will settle to the bottom of the oil pan within 2-3 days of sitting. Than everytime you start the car, you’re doing a DRY start. Imagine all the dry start you do through out the winter…

starting the car twice a week for 15 minutes isnt helping anything, its actually making things worse, the less dry starts the better, and letting it run for only 15 minutes is probably gonna end up fouling your plugs by the end of the winter.

Disconnect and pull battery if its going to be in cold storage
Put the car up on jack stands (PA $20/set)
Leave 1/2 - 3/4 of a tank of gas no real need for stabalizer but it won’t hurt
Place a car cover on her if you have one

When you are ready to take it out in the spring change the oil before you start it for the first time. Let it completly warm up check for any new leaks, check your tire presure, drive away.

Starting it during the winter is pointless and does more harm then good as mentioned above. If you battery is poop and your worried its going to dye put an autoshutoff trickle chrager on it over the winter.

Not only that, but frequent short running of the engine will not do your crankcase any favours.

It will warm up the oil enough to create condensation after it cools, but not warm enough to have the existing condensation evaporate.

Best thing to do, like already mentioned, is to leave it alone. If you have the option, change the oil before starting it the first time in the spring.

What I also like to do is pull the fuel pump fuse and crank the engine until oil pressure builds… then put the fuse in and start it.

what the reasoning for this^?

I’ve always understood that a full tank is best so there is no moist air in the tank…


i believe the jack stands are you you dont have any weight on the suspension, tires etc. i dont know.

but the gas is for it doesent freeze
but the best way is to have a empty tank and put a bottle of gasline antifreeze

plus why waste money on gas that you cant use for 5 months

i guess putting it on the jack stands prevents any flat spots on the tires for having it in the same position for over a couple of months

letting it sit on jack stands will stretch the suspension unless there is something under the tires raising it them up enough, i stretched mine last year, sat about an inch and a half to two inches above stock height… took a long while to settle back down even after driving it…

the suspension is designed to be under weight, under a given amount of compression, not under under no weight and expansion.

i’ve been told to use Bounty sheets instead of mothballs to keep mice away, less stinky.

i’ve also been told you should put styrofoam under the car to keep moisture away (i don’t how its supposed to but it works).

a really good wax job with a clay bar and all is a good idea.

Fill your tank up to full and add stabalizer to it.

If you leave your tank empty, condensation will build up inside the tank and you will have water in your system next year.

Filling it up leaves less space for condensation to form and the stabalizer will keep the fuel okie dokie during the winter months.