Winter storage tips

I’ve decided to store my s14 this winter instead of selling my old car. Its rust free as far as I can see, havent found a spec of rust anywhere so I aim to keep it this way.

I know a few things is:

  1. Change the fluids (oil, coolant, anything else?)
  2. Disconnect the battery and store it at room temp (trickle charge monthly)
  3. Keep less weight on tires (4x4’s under frame rails ok?)
  4. Run it once a month? (Some say do this, some say dont)
  5. Silicone oxide pouches (or whatever) in car to obsorb moisture
  6. Park on top of tarp to prevent moisture from rising (gravel garage :/:slight_smile:
  7. Wash it really well (underbody and all) before storing, ill wax it too
  8. Full tank of gas with some stabilizer
  9. Anything else you can think of!

Is it safe to have A/C off for the whole winter?


everyone will have a different opinion. so i will just comment on what i know and do.

full tank FOR SURE. and i mean right full. comin out of filler neck full. you want no room for moisture.

engine oil before and after storing

do NOT start until you plan to drive again.

wash and wax (heard if you just cake the wax on it;s better?)

damn good car cover and tarp to cover that.

wheels off ground not just for flat spots but for suspension too

if you decide to keep the car on the wheels , put ur tire persure to max, to pervent flat spots. father has a summer car been doing it for years no flat spots yet

You really don’t have to take it off the ground, granted it is nice, but it is not your only option, the weight is not too much, cars spend their entire life time supporting their own weight on their suspension, a few more months is not going to kill it should it need be on the ground. As for flat spots, cut 4 pieces of wafer board and park on them, they should help. If you can use a weather sealer (looks like a huge roll of plastic wrap) to wrap from the ground up, then car cover it good to keep moisture out. Plug the tail pipe so mice and crap don’t make a home in their… etc

The old story of flat spots is only an issue for bias ply tires. Even bias ply tires go back to round after a few minutes of driving. How do i know cause I had them on my Jeep. As for starting the car don’t it never gets up to full operating temperature unless you go for a 30min drive so all you do is fill it with moisture.

Sooo I wont need to jack my car up eh. I was told I would have to. As for the gas I was told half a tank and then stabilizer.

when you put stabilizer in your tank run it for a couple minutes to get in the lines so that fuel doesn`t go bad and even some gas line anti freeze helps

THe downside to jacking your car up is that the shocks bodies are now exposed and prone to rusting which isnt a good thing.

I never jack my car up for the winter. It just sits in one spot.

So you’re not supposed to start the car at all during storage until you’re taking it out?

soooo if u dont jack the car up just leave it on the ground? andd half tank or full tank?

full tank, you want to take up all the space in the take, which will not allow moisture in.

As for starting the car don’t it never gets up to full operating temperature unless you go for a 30min drive so all you do is fill it with moisture.

Good point.
My uncle always stores his ITR in the winter.
He told me to never start the car unless you’re going to start driving it again for the exact same reason.

stabilizer? gas and oil stabilizer? what kind?

Store it somewhere with a strong roof.

Reminds me of that thread with the collapsed shed…that sucked, bad.

I use Sta-bil fuel stabilizer. Crappy Tire and NAPA stocks it.

Moth balls in a tray inside the car, and in the engine bay

keeps, the mice and shit out, i use it for winterizing my boat works really well.

You think it sucked? I watched it happen! what a awful day. Alot of glass in my car lol.

Basics have been covered though, add fuel stabilizer, don’t start it untill its ready to be brought out, plug/cover ANYWHERE Mice can get in and a good oil spray pre storage wont hurt anyone.

Man… those are some pretty excessive recommendations. If you are storing a car for 5 years sure… go ahead with some of those.

For winter storage which is only a couple months just park the car somewhere dry, toss a breathable cover over it, make sure the tank isn’t empty 1/2 tank or so is PLENTY. Throw on a battery tender which will keep it charged all winter long. No need to remove it with one of these. A wash/wax is always a good idea so your cover stays clean. An oil change before first fire up is a good idea but not before storage thats just silly. Jack it up or don’t its a personal preference. I jack mine up so I can jam parts I buy over the winter underneath the car. I’ve always stored my cars and bikes this way. They fire up first crank every time. :wink: And oh what a wonderful sound it is after such a long absence.

heres a questions…what percautions should you take say if ur gonna be driving it once or twice a week?