The open house at CSC racing is the time and place to get the best prices on OTA events. CSC is located in Newmarket.

2 weeks today for the open house. Any 240 guys/gals looking to show how fast they are? come on, you know you want to

Are you ready for the open house this weekend? Are you ready for the season?

For the one day event at TMP!!! Sat July 7

come try out Ontario Time Attack for $180. No gate fee
Liscence included
TAC (Toronto Autosports Club) day membership incl!!

This deal is available to the next 15 entrants


Bump it up! TMP in one week. There should be one 240sx there. Any others?

This is the link to the 2013 Time-Attack Schedule

awesome. Can’t wait!!

hey guys, I have a question about the rules…

In the rulebook (2012) it says that a permit fee of 100$ is applied to every event… 2.2 .1
Is this true even if you’re part of a club and have an active competition license?

:\ that might get expensive lol

also anyone know how much the timer rental cost is?

I don’t have my rulebook at hand, but positive that $100 fee is not something that applies to individuals. The fees are reasonable.

Rental was something like $25 for the year and $5 per event - RFID tag.
Hope that helps.

oh whew sounds good. hope to see u guys there :wink: 2013 schedule New format for determining the overall champion