case of the mondays!

blazer won’t start… outside freazing my ass off, gettin all dirty in my dress clothes…fuckin middle of april and wind is blowing like a fuckin hurricane, already late for work… motherfucker wont start… fuck it… pull out the monte. gotta stop at the bank first for my old man… fucken jakes pass me and bust a U…thought i was gonna get pulled over…didnt… get to the bank drive through… fucken old ass man security gaurd is just staring at my car like i’m gonna rob the drive though window pipe. fuck you old man… get to work an hour late… fat whore at work starts bitchin off the bat cause i made a mistake on saturday…i told her to go fuck her self in not so many words, sat down and now i’m here. GEAH!

sounds like someone has a case of the mondays…

almost forgot the best part… motherfuckers with this pepsi machine… this fat whore must suck off the guy that stocks the machine because we have 3 slots of diet pepsi, diet tea, green tea, and diet dew… only one pepsi, one dew and one water… i about hit the wall when i saw my other other was taken out in favor of diet tea…for christ sakes you fat piece of fuck…i hate this woman… the bitch looks like she forgot to take off the innertube off her waist when she left sandcastle… she is such a loud mouth fuck… everyone has to hear her fucken phone calls… like i give a fuck about her fat health problems

:rofl:…shitty monday 4sure

need pics asap


HAHA this made me laugh, sorry to ehar about your day man but we all go through it.

You need some happy hour.

i need some pussy in the back seat of a g-body

  1. Get a car thats post 1980
  2. Go through the drivethrough at the bank next time
  3. Give the fat bitch your cock because u know u want to and that will shut her up
  4. Drink water, it’s better for you than that other nasty shit

Now if 1-4 fails revert to killing yourself

Cutty rants on a Monday always make me feel better.

  1. had nothing to do with the age of the vehical… it was a bad battery terminal
  2. it was the drive through at the bank… the dude came outside while i was sittin there
  3. her mouth is too full of greasy bacon
  4. i am pissed because they took water outta the machine to put in the diet tea… and i’m fucked casue i gotta drink 2 liters of water a day with this shit i’m taking.

:rofl: damn, talk about being anal :eek:

isn’t that like an oxymoron?

Need is different from getting.

like anyone gives a fuck about you not giving a fuck…

like anyone gives a fuck about your not giving a fuck about my not giving a fuck… eat shit faggot