People dont go to Las Vegas for the showgirls and fags dancing around with a tiger. While I agree that the hole in the cup must be fixed, it doesnt hurt having that water pouring in twice as fast. The boost to almost all facets of the economy is well defined. Those people will be spending money at more places than just the slots when they’re in town. Its a real nice shot in the arm for the economy that will do a lot more good than bad.
we all know the money will not stay in the burgh… it wil be funneled out and you wont really see anything from it.
Moutaineer is a fucking joke. it doesnt do shit for the northern part of west viginia except creat traffic and pop up tiny ass “cafes”.
yes it will you stupid hick. The city gets a percentage right off the top, plus increased sales at local hotels/restaurants equals more sales tax revenue.
like someone mentioned before, not really anyone is gonna come spend a weekend gambling. other venues are not far away. Unless they want to see the nasty river and race on 5th & forbes.
orly? Would you rather go to buttfuck West Virginia where there is NOTHING but a casino, or would you rather go to a city that has a million other things to do? If you build it, they will come.
I really like road trips, WVA is cheap for smokes and beer. I’d rather go thier
If my penis were erect right now, I’d use it to slap you in the face. Dont quite have the distance when its flaccid.
PGH will still suck
Not still, but will suck greater.
WTF are people thinking. GAMBELING doesn’t allievate anything! On the whole we might end up just a little behind where we are now. If we’re lucky. Not even, and deffinately not ahead.
You cant even right me off as some kinda all talk asshole either. Case in point. When I was in Vegas. I got wasted, rowdy, and Blew a bunch of money. The only people that wanted me there where casino owners, and strippers. Ask Vegas locals.
Save this thread so you can all eat shit when the bottom fall out on all the promises made for this new money. Also keep an eye on how little surrounding business flurish.
Lynn Swann forever bitches!!!
you cant compare Las Vegas with Pittsburgh. Las Vegas is a city based on sin. It has NO other industry aside from gambling. If it wasnt for the gambling and whores, it would be 10 houses in the middle of the desert. Prostitution is not legal in Pittsburgh either. What exactly is so evil about gambling? People dont go nuts over keno and the lottery. I doubt that card tables and slot machines will turn Pittsburgh into a moral cesspool.
Las vegas does not have legal prostituition either.
Gambling is fun when out of state, Like the old saying. If it happend outta zip code it never happend.
You people all anti-casino do realize that you can do full-on gambling in or within spitting distance of such major cities as Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Tampa, Miami, Buffalo??? Last I checked those cities are not associated with any of the great negatives of gambling, it is just yet another thing to be able to do. As I mentioned earlier, legalized slots in PA will most likely just keep PA money from leaving the state as much as it currently is to places such as Wheeling, AC, Niagara, etc. Serious gamblers are obviously still going to stay and go elsewhere for card and such. Just saw a study on the news the other day looking into places that have allowed slots into their area, crime rates were not really affected even with a greater amount of people.
Not really concerend about crimes, What about the people needing their meds?
They bitch about its high now.
Are you speaking of people spending their money on slots instead of thier meds or is legalized slots somehow raising the price of meds? If it’s the first, people who are dumb and careles enough to spend their cash needed for meds on other things have a ton of outlets to do that already (lottery, cigs, booze, McD’s, etc.) so slots would just provide an additional choice. In the long run additional things to do in the area may help to keep people from leaving and might even attract new residents to the tax base. As was mentioned earlier, ther is definitely a mismanagement problem in the burgh but a decreasing tax base defnitely does not help the situation one bit.
close enough
So we all agree that the money will be misused, and has been promised in many areas that will not actually come to fruition. Right?
Once you look threw the smoke what are the actual pros? Nothing that cant be gained with proper governing.
Saying crime will blow threw the roof is just like saying the influx of revanues will fix everything. Neither of which is going to happen. Both sides are soooo far to the extreme you don’t get any worthwhile debate.
I agree 100%!
I actually dont care.
Still a bad idea. :kekegay:
all I’m saying is that it will have a positive influence on the local economy, and that if managed correctly could have a dramatic influence on the city’s financial woes.
How is that so far to the extreme?
Honestly, I think its a good idea. Jobs around here will finally increase more, not just with casino workers but restaraunt, plice force(good for me), hotel workers etc. Plus all the PA residents disposable income will actually stay here as opposed to ending up in the hands of WVA residents.