Catamount Ski 2/11

Long shot, but would anyone care to ski Catamount tomorrow? i don’t feel like going alone for the 2nd week in a row. :’(

damn, if i didnt have class tomorrow evening i would be down to go :frowning:

if i checked shift at all last night/today id deff have gone. what do they have for trails im thinkin about headin up there sometime

I haven’t gone in years… but if I had seen this last night I would have gone…

Its about the same skill-wise as jiminy, definitely not bad at all for 25 dollars

haha, kdubs on the skis

I have my snowboard I would have broken out…

Well if your going again let me know I havent been out this year and am itching to get out.

I go every Tues/Thurs!

Tuesdays no good but next Thursday would work.

Im down.

kdbz you can come too

what time do you go

I try to get there around 1130-1200. I just pack up the car beforehand and leave after my english class

I might be down… I haven’t gone in a while though lol shoot me a text reminding me next week and I may go…

the jugz will be soaring