Caught a guy breaking into a car, need advice

ok, so wednesday night i saw a guy break into a car and steal some cd’s out of it, i was out walking my dog about 50 feet from this guy and he saw me and just did it anyways, so needless to say i called the cops (i live within shouting distance of a police station) they catch the guy and he gets booked etc. Today i recieve a letter in the mail saying that he was released on bail and they have issued a temp restrainting order against the defendant to keep him away from me… but on the paper that he signed it has my address on it… COuld they seriously be that stupid? Or do you think they put my address or whatver on there after the fact?

You better stay in your dad’s van for a few nights.


Gotta tell him where you live so that he knows where he can’t go. :bloated:

^ true… just lock your…etc… if anything happens…they obviously know who did it.

i was thinking the same thing. i wouldnt worry about it.

bull. thats telling him to go after him

in a rational world the guy would stay away…

if the guy was stealing shit already, and could see jail time… what makes you think he’s not gonna try something stupid…

be careful man


time to load the shotgun and sleep with it at night

i understand they need to tell him where to not go , but seriuosly WTF the guy did this when i was 50 feet from him, he is obviuosly not a rational person. and i didnt ask for the order, i would rather not have a stupid piece of paper then give him a roadmap with how to fuck with me or my families property

sup Jeg

on another note, if they think this is ok, why dont they give away every officers home address everytime they arrest somebody…

thats what you get for doing a good deed

hes pretty stupid if he goes after you again

most guys like this though are pretty dumb

that is the police bein retarded they dont have to give your exact address all they had to do was say he couldnt be within 1000 feet of your nieghbor hood or somethin like that as previously i saw on here be careful the thought of prospective jail time will make some one do some dumb things

Wow… that sucks. I wouldn’t put it past the cops around here to give him your address and tell him to stay away from there.

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The most he’s going to get for stealing CD’s from cars is a slap on the wrist. Breaking a restraining order to mess with a witness is a whole lot bigger deal.

If you’re really concerned head over to your local gun shop and pick up some pepper spray. If this state didn’t suck so much I’d say pick up a handgun, but by the time you get through all the paperwork on that if the guy wants to hurt you he already will have.

that sucks they should have made it an annonymous complaint so that he didnt know if was you that turned him in…

So you’re saying “move while you are alive?”


I’d watch my back for a while. A guy that steals shit from a car in plain view of witnesses is either not all there or just don’t give a fuck.

I’d also go give one of those cops at the station a piece of my mind.


seriously… if he has any smarts he will leave you alone… cus if he comes to you the charges change from buggery to something a lot worse…more importantly, what kind of dog were you walking?

ON any restraining order there has to be atleast one address… for reasons unsaid I’ve had restraining orders where my address was listed. Yes, it sounds oxy-moronic to tell the criminals the exact address of where you live and work, but that’s what they do and how it works. And if they are picked up inside the restraining order area it’s a very serious thing.

The person that I was involved in was actually picked up in my front yard with an un-licenced 45… let’s just say he’s back in prison for at least another 5-10 years for a parole violation, identity theft, illegal firearm, and breaking a restraining order…

Oh, and while the situation was going on… I had a 870 12Ga loaded with 00 buck waiting if something did happen.