caught someone stealing today

So here at best buy they caught a black male stealing a video game. The funny ass part was that he was wearing a shirt that said Smooth Criminal!

funny and damnit now i’ll be singing that song all day


whys he gotta be a black male huh? why couldnt you just say a guy. huh

Why does it matter?

Part of the accurate description.

Guess he’s not that smooth of a criminal.

or maybe he was an african jew and punched McLovin in the face

fuck off with the race card bullshit all he did was describe the guy

Hey! You said “black”!

race card pulled

Hey, I can say that a white, a black, and an asian all have tried to steal from my work. We caught all of them :slight_smile:

The white guy was a UB employee for UB Landcaping that was a crackhead and his father was a union head. He came in multiple days and tried to steal digital cameras and then sell them for crack

A black guy tried to steal a PDA. I chased him through the school and he dropped it. That dude could run. That was pre breaking my leg.

A black guy stole a laptop, my friend chased him and ended up getting a broken hand fighting with him. He ended up being one of the guys harrassing people with sawed off shotguns

Some asian kids stole a DVD+RW drive and proceeded to go to Taco Bull and order lunch right after it happened. I found them by chance and had them arrested while waiting in line. :slight_smile:

I mentioned 3 groups, am I racist? They were all thiefs.

lol…i do valet at the mall…i always see people being brought out in cuff’s

cause he was obviously poor

this reminds me of a dumb ass that i used to work with…while shipping packages that contained sneakers…he stole them by throwing them in the trash, and later taking the trash out, and ditching the stolen sneakers in the back of the building to be picked up later. well, when he did that, there was a worker up on a utility pole watching everything…the irony of it all…the company who was shipping the sneakers was called “Sneak us out” LOL…yah, so after the guy on the pole reported everything he saw…he was canned.

Stupid story it contains nothing about this person’s financial situation and most important race.


Because he was born that way! When someone says black, asian, white to describe someone why the hell does it matter?

bingo! lol

^^ lol i better watch what i say, I guess i wont describe what a black hole is either.

A fat blond chick?

Wait… was he stealing Madden?