The thief was asking if a new game was multiplayer, employee turned around towards the games (off camera) and literally as soon as they turned their back he booked out of the store. Within seconds of turning around and realizing, the employee gave chase as well as the other 4 or 5 customers in the store.
Amherst PD has started posting this kind of stuff on FB and they’ve been having great results. Seems like once a week they post up a new shoplifter video/pictures and about a week later they’re updating it saying they got them.
Seriously what a douche bag. Wearing a hat AND a hoodie? What does he think this is? Detroit? He’s probably got a pen and a pad in his pocket so he can scribble down rhymes, wears his pants below his knees, drives a $2k car with $5k rims, eats watermelon and chicken, likes girls with big asses, has a tattoo of an 8 ball somewhere, drinks malt liquor, and works at the mill during the day.