CAUTION: Those traveling to Calgary Saturday Sept 16th!

There is going to be a World Record attempt on the QE2 tomorrow morning for the longest Semi-truck convoy. They are attempting 4,000 semi’s in a row. They have warned the public that if you plan to leave the city of Edmonton, to leave before 9:00am!! That’s when it starts.

Just thought that I would give the heads up to everyone.

holllyy shizzam! :o




Why Not?! :E

what a waste of time…

WHy not? seroiusly there have been dumber world records attempted…but why alberta>? ohh yah hick oil country= lots of semis

yeah, not looking forward to them comming through whitecourt.

They are raising money for the special Olympics, and I guess they are doing it between many major cities across north america. They just happen to choose Edmonton-Calgary for some reason or another.

good thing trying to raise money for the special olympics is a waste of time. :roll:
wouldnt see u donate money kent

sorry but i still think the “help a jamie fund” is a waste of time…i posted before he said it had anyhting to do with the special olympics…