Sport Compact Challange Calgary - July 17th, 2004

SCC Calgary (Saturday July 17th, 2004)

Much like Edmonton’s. We could maybe set up a booth, and make another NECC team for the Show/Race competition. If not, then at least head on down there for another road trip, which we love so much, and hang out and race!

Would people be interested in staying over night? And if so, which night? Just thinking about if someone had a problem with the car from racing, the night after the race would be good, to give them an opportunity to get things together with all of our help. Plus, no one likes driving home 3hrs after a long day like that.


For those coming down to Calgary, if anyone runs into problems, needs a garage to work on their ride afterwards yada yada… my door is open for fellow enthusiasts.

I don’t have many tools at my place in the City and its a little small but it beats the laying on the ground!

I will be at all the events barring any unexpected emergencies.


THats extremely generous of you Dan. Appreciate it, thanks.

Unfortunately this is another V8Less event I’m going to have to miss due to conflict with our EZCC schedule.

The July 17th weekend is the big airshow in Cold Lake. Its the 50th anniversary I think, and there’s going to be a big car show on the air base in addition to the air show. The EZCC (those that go anyway) will be in the car show.

I don’t have all the details & itinerary yet but I can certainly let you guys know what develops. I’m sure we’d welcome some more Nissan guys to tag along with us.

We usually make an annual trip to Cold Lake and go convoy-style of course. :smiley:

I’ll be heading down for this one Friday night, or maybe Saturday morning, haven’t decided yet. Anyone else wanna tag along?

My car’s available for the booth too, unless it conflicts with the racing schedule.

  • Mike

Who’s all coming down for this weekend?


I won’t be. Work didn’t give me that night off.


Hey I read something about you taking home some hardware on the 10th, congrats!

I am curious to see what they do to layout the show field, Race City has a whole bunch of Gravel Parking lot! Its no where near as nice as Bud park IMO…

lol, yeah, I took the “best nissan” and “best engine conversion”. lol, works for me.

Yeah, I remember Race City not being so pretty.

Well I took 2nd place in the A division! got spanked by a “Roo”, alchol injected, 24psi awd bastard!

Ron blew up his Talon but holy f@#$#$ a 9.9s run when he did it!

Horrible crowd, there were only 30 racers I think, only a couple in the 13s and a couple in the 12’s. The dirfting was …ok but they should have opened that up and NOT kept it a private party.

I did meet a couple new Nissan 350 drivers, the dude runnning the supercharged silver 350Z has good potential but he is a rookie driver and struggled on launch (it was a vortex kit and sounded awsome!) , 360hp dyno on hand …nice job by the look of it sorry no pics.

Things were also NOT organized very well… They incorporated the recently rained out Mazda sport compact challenge which made the announcing kind of suck becuase the guy in the tower kept getting confused or at least confusing the drivers.

I am looking forward to getting back to Bud Park for some much better color commentary from Big Daddy, and a much more organized day.

I will say as many runs as you could get in, lots of track time but hotter than hell so times were slow and heat was certainly an issue.

Ok there appears to be a dispute over Ron’s time when he blew up… There appears to have been alcohol involved (with my reporting staff in the stands) and and semi functional time keeping system! We’ll have to wait for the video replay on the 780 or beyond forums!

BTW the show turnout was not very good, they ended up using a smaller grass section off the return lanes from the 1/4 mile, if there was a really good turnout I don’t think everyone would have fit in that space.

9.9. Holy fuck. If that time is true, that is some serious damage. Damn.

What was your best run? What did the Subaru run? What did the supercharged 350z run?

Good job in the A division!

I couldn’t make this one unfortunately. But that was only because I was at the totally KICKASS AIRSHOW at Cold Lake this weekend! It was the 50th anniversary of the base and the 80th anniversary of the Canadian Air Force. Over 30,000 people in attendance on saturday and at least half that on sunday. The Z Club had some cars involved in the car show (in Hanger 6) over both days, my car was in the show today.

Anyway, back on topic. Like Aaron said:

  • what were your best times (w/ traps)
  • what’s a “roo”?
  • how many racers total? And what was the cutoff for quick 8?
  • what did the 350Z run? I’m curious to know, because him and his buddy (with a black 350Z with cams, header, CAI, exhaust, etc.) were at the Edm Z Car Show earlier this summer and his buddy kept saying I should race him.
  • what else of note ran in the event?

Ok, I just read a thread on

Rage2’s Porsche 944T ran 12.9x, and a WRX-STi ran 12.77.

A stock black 350Z, the supercharged silverstone 350Z, and a modded black 350Z (the other one that was at the Edm Z Show maybe?) all ran in the 15s.

The driver of the stock black 350Z took the best auto-x time though.

Sorry … Roo=Subaru, the 350’s all ran in the 14’s. The all motor 350 with the NISMO rims (He said he was at the show in EDM and met you there) ran 14.4 as a best I think and the SC’d one about the same. The SuperCharged 360rwhp one could have run 13’a I think but the driver needs more practice off the line. It was his first time ever racing it, I image the first time ever trying to launch it like that. The guys in the 350’s were pretty cool and we should try and get them all in on the team entry in Edmonton for the last SCC, it would make for an good overall fast team. I don’t rember what the other Calgary black 350(stock) ran, he was running mostly in the autocross and only made a couple passes in the drag. Being bone stock I think he was likely in the 15’s. He was running hard on the track and imagine he was up there with the Miata’s

I didn’t bother with the auto X because of the heat and the fact I don’t have an upgraded rad and oil cooler.

The Porche was fast but broke just about as fast and didn’t make it to eliminations. The was a nice little black MR2 freshly built, fast but also had issues off the line, he was running high 13’s with me. There was a Daytona there running close to Ron and his Talon but he also went boom on his second run.

The best I ran was 13.7@ 103mph, Heat was a huge enemy… There were only 30 racers total and they took the fast 24, I made the top 4 wioth my 13.7 and the mr2 made it with a 13.8. The 2 others were the 944 Porsche but he was done and on the hooks and the Roo.

The drifting was… well…weak! They need to open this up and allow other competitors other than their buddies in on this or it will never be any good. There were some cheers from the stands but not much. The red 240 I thought had some of the best runs with the best long sweeping slides but none could keep the slides going for long.

My overall impression of the event… Disappointment… poor organization, poor turn out, the Race City track people were not good either, they were alomost mocking the races at times and its was like they had no time for racing imports. The comentary sucked and half the time they didn’t even know the proper name for the event they were anouncing. Due to this experience I am not going to the Saskatoon event.

SCC Calgary (Saturday July 17th, 2004)

Much like Edmonton’s. We could maybe set up a booth, and make another NECC team for the Show/Race competition. If not, then at least head on down there for another road trip, which we love so much, and hang out and race!

Would people be interested in staying over night? And if so, which night? Just thinking about if someone had a problem with the car from racing, the night after the race would be good, to give them an opportunity to get things together with all of our help. Plus, no one likes driving home 3hrs after a long day like that.


For those coming down to Calgary, if anyone runs into problems, needs a garage to work on their ride afterwards yada yada… my door is open for fellow enthusiasts.

I don’t have many tools at my place in the City and its a little small but it beats the laying on the ground!

I will be at all the events barring any unexpected emergencies.


THats extremely generous of you Dan. Appreciate it, thanks.

Unfortunately this is another V8Less event I’m going to have to miss due to conflict with our EZCC schedule.

The July 17th weekend is the big airshow in Cold Lake. Its the 50th anniversary I think, and there’s going to be a big car show on the air base in addition to the air show. The EZCC (those that go anyway) will be in the car show.

I don’t have all the details & itinerary yet but I can certainly let you guys know what develops. I’m sure we’d welcome some more Nissan guys to tag along with us.

We usually make an annual trip to Cold Lake and go convoy-style of course. :smiley:

I’ll be heading down for this one Friday night, or maybe Saturday morning, haven’t decided yet. Anyone else wanna tag along?

My car’s available for the booth too, unless it conflicts with the racing schedule.

  • Mike