This morning I saw a cavy with a front mount??? pulling a bottomed out impreza off a hill. Now I have officially seen it all and can die in peace. Sorry no pics.
No pics
To be fair to NYSpeed, we tried using a Honda 1st :lol:
come on how can you not get pictures of something like that !!
i cant wait to upload this picture i have of a smart car, has a roof rack for snowboard or bikes or something, and a trailer hitch. lol i died
Or video.
LOL unpossible imprezas are awd! maybe the impreza was pulling the cavy to its doom.
sorry Geoff, i know you would be very upset without me here. :lol:
yourr rite hed have almost nothin to do never !!
it’s the WNY ricer winter special olympics.
as soon as I read that I lold forever, that’s sooo funny to picture hahaha.
makes me want to try it
I’ve had my car pulled out of a snowbank by a cavi once. Anything’s possible.
we need pics …i wanna see this happen!
i agree… pics or ban
this thread was done as soon as the words no pics came into play
I can see it happening if
A. you were driving a power wheels jeep
B. the power wheels jeep had a winch
did the power wheels jeep have a winch? man i always wanted a f’in power wheel and my rents never got me one.
im going to get my kid a minibike for his first birthday to make up for my mistreatment.