dose anyone know the owner of the white turbo’d cavalier at hybrid… i wanna ask him some questions about his car…
how and why do you know what is here? Unless we have spoken during business hours you should not be on my property
PM choko and watch out for Don’s shotgun.
nah, got me an SKS now.
Wheres the guard dog Don? Or gary with the 12ga :):)
Shes inside at night
nah, got me an SKS now.
i hate you. yesterday my girlfriend was like “lets go shooting today” so i punched her in the throat and said bitch i aint gots mah gatz no more!
i hate you. yesterday my girlfriend was like “lets go shooting today” so i punched her in the throat and said bitch i aint gots mah gatz no more!
hahahaha I love you, probably because I can see this happening.
you can see the car from the street…and i pulled in to see when your bussiness hours were because i wanted to get work done and i have a cavalier hence that why i wanna ask him questions about the car because i thought it was nice
That was me.
Ok,maybe it wasnt but imagine if it was?
Sorry I get paranoid now…super paranoid
thats kool i have a 97 cavalier that i just turbo’d and i need some work done and i wanted you guys to check everything out to make sure it was all good and i wanted to ask the kid that owed the car things about it… i am not one of those kids that steals from others … but i see your point of view
so dose anyone know whos the car this is
Didnt i post in here?
Where do my posts go to?
I posted, but its not here…
Whats up with the one that was moved, but when you click on it it says i cant access it?
I posted, but its not here…
Whats up with the one that was moved, but when you click on it it says i cant access it?
moderator conspiracy. send a PM to gary gnu. he’ll fix it for you.
is this the HIDN PWR car? you guys ever find it?
His liscense plate says HIDN PWR
He aparantly blew a hydraulic line