Caveat emptor is no more

the video is old, but theyre going to jury tomorrow

Wow. This is why i hate people.

  1. what’s the difference between 1.025 and 1.25 mil

  2. why would you spend 1.25 mil without doing ANY research

  3. noone held a gun to her head and made her buy this house.

  4. people are stupid and so is this govt that caters to the sue happy

Wow, way to not have the home appraised before you bought it. That’s your own damn fault if you ask me.

If you watched the video they said they did have it appraised, but they felt he was “in” on it.


“Hey I’m a dumb fuck, I messed up, will you give me money now please?”

haha wow I guess I should have watched the entire thing. In that case they’re just dumb.

the fruity bastards deserve it if that’s what they paid without researching first

And it’s in CA. What a shock.

Still waiting for “the big one” to knock that state off into the Pacific.