CAZWRX87... this all for you, bud!

  • Rep to you RON


you guys are all a joke. like are you still in high school? becasue you are all acting like teenage girls… worse than me. grow the fuck up and worry about real issues. oh thats right, none of you have real issues cuz you are all losers with dead beat jobs and no life.

LOLOL. I’m responding to this while at work, making probably 3x what you make.

Ya s**t.

why the fuck are you calling me a s**t? i dont care how much money you make.

These responses say I was correct.

Don’t get mad at us because some scumbag was playing you if anything you owe me a thank you.

Hey no personal attacks as per forum rules regardless of circumstances.

Consider this a warning.

shuttup s**t

oh so thats why you are here hangin out… with US DEADBEATS and LOSERS right? you fit right in! you don’t know what a real issue is… except for the one you get between your legs every month… do us a favor… and go away.

i dont deserve to get called a s**t over any of this. we are just friends, like holy shit.

For fun :rofl

i dont know real issues? ok.

Ok sweatynready… I think you need to hit the showers. your done.

Was just lurking but this make me rofl. Censor yourself in one sentence then let it all hang out in the next.

Staying classy on Shift

That was me censoring personal attacks instead of banning him.

Different words, but nice try Kenny :tongue

damn… owned. Back to lurking I go. lol

i will be taking your mother out to dinner :dunno

unless you want to take me out to dinner, i never turn down a free meal. :excited

lol and you wanted respect from these “jokers”

shes far faarrr from a slut, wouldnt even add me on facebook let alone letting me rub my testicles on her face. Shes prolly a virgin still lol.

u jealous/mad?