CCTV View of Ocean cruise ship in storm.

kinda funny
could you imagen being on that fucking boat

Haha, that one lady gets it hard to the face.

Love the music with it.

Now Imagine that being drunk as hell with a bunch of friends, minus the heavy furniture of course.

Pretty sure after the first wave that sent the furniture everywhere my survival instinct would have got me the fuck out of that room with all the giant furniture free to slide around for 100+ feet in any direction. :slight_smile:

I’d try to surf the tables as they slid…

I was on a cruise that got stuck in a hurricane. They locked down all outside doors so you were stuck inside and closed off certain areas of the ship. One cruise my parents were on they had to spend 12+ hours below deck sitting in the hallways.

Looks like fun.[video][/video]

A hallway sounds like a pretty good place to be though. A closet would be better. I’ll take “places that don’t have room for objects to get moving and fuck me up for $1000 Alex”.

Lol, objects like a fork truck.

I can’t believe that under normal circumstances, let alone in a fucking storm that stuff like a fork truck aren’t strapped down.

Don’t they have like propane tanks on the back of them?
How the hell does somebody not see that comming?

Than again, anything goes in international waters

took the fork truck to get me scared… yikes.

That guy almost got fucked up by that forklift.

Passengers who were aboard the journey were offered a 25 per cent reduction in the cost of a future cruise.

Getting knocked around a ship like a pinball getting smashed by unsecured furniture, hoping the ship will stay above water. Yeah, that’s seems fair, and I’d definitely be down for another cruise after that.

Cruise ships run very tight, if every passenger aboard took advantage of the 25% discount on the same cruise, it would lose its ass.

that forklift had death written all over it
good thing that dude moved

Not to mention, this is weather we are talking about… you can try to avoid it all you want but you can only predict so much in terms of the path it will take.

must have been one hell of a storm to get it moving that good. I would be shitting myself.

im sick watching it.

I sat here and giggled like a 4 year-old while watching that video… “ROFL” seems appropriate here