Carnival Cruise 2013. NYSpeed's Thoughts?

I haven’t seen a thread on NYSpeed regarding the latest cruise disaster that just happened. If there is a thread alreay, then delete this.

Going through videos of passengers and Carnival people seems like it was a bad engine room fire mishap, crew handled it very well, pretty bad living conditions for a few days, sewage and feces in places, lack of food etc.

Result people will live on, Carnival will refund and pay up more than legally obligated to and most likely be sued be a lot of people and their repuation down the toilet for a while.

What I am most amazed by is that a lot of passengers being interviewed are super calm about all of it and thanked the crew and gave them props for doing a good job. Some are major complainers but for the most part seems like a decent group of passsengers just glad to be in a better situation.

What are your thoughts on all of this?

Carnival is for poor people. If that were any other cruise line people would have been arranging heli pick ups from the ship. lol

That situation SUCKS. Not much else to say. It wouldn’t have been half-bad if the ship wasn’t overflowing with piss and shit, though.

It probably wouldn’t stop me from booking a cruise, but I’ll think twice. If I was a passenger onboard, I probably would never cruise again.

Good thing for Carnival, their rep. won’t go down much…it’s already quite low…

I would much rather be stuck in a resort in Mexico than stuck in cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. On that thought, I will probably never take a cruise.

Cruises are pretty awesome.

Why do people go on cruises to begin with?

90% of the reviews online reference Carnival cruise lines are being ghetto and white trash :lol:

Nailed it.

Carnival is super poor. That said one of my co workers from Texas was on this ship and he is not super poor… odd. I can not wait to start poking fun at the poor bastard.

It wouldn’t detour me from going on a cruise. I was actually on that ship in 2006 and I enjoyed it. I was also on a ship when they hand an engine fire as a kid, it wasn’t bad enough to stop the ship or the cruise, but it was bad enough to see firemen running all over the place and got to watch guys get airlifted off the back of the boat.

I guess when you sign up to sail with 4000 other people on a boat in the middle of the ocean, you have to know something “could” go wrong, and if it does it won’t be an easy fix. I mean if you have a fire at a resort in Cancun, people just pack up their shit and go somewhere else and it probably never makes the news.

at one point my wife and i were comparing cruises to all inclusive resorts… the cruises were generally cheaper but once you factor in the cost of alcohol the all inclusive was the clear winner. the fact that you can potentially get stranded on the ship or worse yet have your dumbass captain crash it into an island are just the icing on the cake. no cruises for me.

I agree with you. At first I thought it would be a bunch of complaining but seems like the only comlaints are about the feces and sewage. That would suck. idgaf about not eating lol

Definitley makes me think about going on my first cruise but its a freak mishap so I’ll cruise at sometime in my life. Maybe not Carnival lol

When my girlfriend and I were looking into a cruise it was cool that ll meals are included. Seemed like a nice package deal.

Wouldnt want feces dripping down my walls.

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

I agree the alcohol would be what makes in expensive. Being a non-drinker, I dont have to worry about that so the deal is more appealing to me. Except being stranded or crashed lol

I think the media did their best to make it seem far worse than it was. Sounds like most of the passengers took it in stride.

lol @ “I’d never go on a cruise after seeing this”. Yeah, define your life by statistical outliers.

I have been on 4 carnival cruises and 2 disney cruises in my life. The longest I was on one was a 10 day carnival cruise through alaska. Now dont get me wrong all of them I wasnt of age to drink besides the last disney cruise two years ago I was.Cruises are insanely expensive to drink on any way you look at it. When I was 16-17 on one of them my cousin and I snuck a few bottles of vodka on in water bottles. I cant say a bad thing about carnival, the rooms were always clean the workers were polite and funny. The food was great and always available. There was always something to do and the ship always docked at awesome locations.

That was my reaction! They interviewed these md-20’s kids who were being bussed to New Orlean by Carnival on no sleep. The kids were like, “We dont care, we’re going to New Orleans.”

It’s good to see a majority of people in good spirits after something like this. Especially on a cruise ship, where I feel people demand and expect perfection.

Those of you who won’t go on a cruise ship because it might break down… do you fly?

Just wondering because I’d much rather be on a ship that’s stuck at sea than a plane that suddenly craters into the earth. Hell, I’d rather take my chances on a sinking cruise ship than a plane that’s about to smash into a mountain. I can swim away from the ship. :slight_smile:

I’ve never actually been on a cruise, but I am under the impression that they are inexpensive and a lot of fun. Those of you saying that Carnival is for poor people, are just being assholes.

---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ----------

exactly, i like being alive.

2 very good points ^

Im pretty sure we were looking into Carnival a 5 day cruise all meals included and tours was super cheap! We’re going to Vegas instead for Monster Jam World finals though lol

Much rather be eaten by a shark than go down in a plane. Sharks are sweet.

Compare Carnival and Princess then get back to me on that statement.

Dumb question, but is Princess the one that recently ran ashore? Not that is affects what you’re saying in any way, I’m just curious.