CD resurfacing locally?

Anyone know of a place that can fix my scratched CD’s locally? I was somewhere around here and I thought i saw a place that did it for $2 a disc.


Doesn’t EBGames or CompUSA sell that disk doctor scratch repair thing? It’s black and green, and you put the solution on the thing and hit the button. Supposedly it does a good job.

Turtle wax. Costs about $2 for a bottle. Use a microfiber towel and go to town. Guaranteed it’ll work better than any of these stupid gadgets you can buy.

Which turtle wax? Knowing my luck I’ll buy the wrong one. I’m assuming the regular stuff in the green can?

i have used the game doctor thing many times when the cd/dvd wont play and after it worked like new

CD / DVD doctor for the motherfucking win.

I’ve used it on CD’s that would not even load / play with good results.

I gave one to my sister a few years ago (at last count, she had 470ish CDs), she uses it to this day.


I had the CD doctor.The one you plug directly into the wall and it didnt work that great.

I tried turtle wax last night and it didnt work,i’ll give it a whirl again.

A local place called CD sams used to do it for a $1 a disc and they had a professional machine.

hand crank FTW

I just busted the buffer I used on my car and it worked great lol

drill press + buffing compound + buffing wheel = win

The liquid stuff in the bottle. Usually what they have on the shelf in the automotive section of Tops.