cell phone 2, testicles 0


There’s been plenty of hearty debate between cell phone proponents and critics about potential cancer risks. After one study claimed cell phones had more detrimental health effects than smoking, a major cancer doctor came forward stating that there was strong upcoming evidence of a cell phone-cancer link, the first time a head of a major academic cancer research institution had suggested such a possibility.

Now another new study has been released citing a decidedly different hazard of cell phone use. The new study shows that cell phones are no friends of testes, the male reproductive organs in which sperm is made. In the upcoming study, it was shown that when in close range to the testes and in talk mode, cell phones damage sperm

“Condom? Birth Control? Hell no baby, just call my cell and talk to my junk for an hour, then we’re good to go!”

lol until that lucky sperm wearing the hockey helmet makes it’s way through

when in close range to the testes and in talk mode, cell phones damage sperm

That’s the last time I let my wang make a phone call.

thats bs i use my bluetooth all the time and my phone is in my pants … i do it everyday at least 3 hours a day (talk time)… and we all know i still have sperm

Quality of sperm probably -10 though

i think hes going for quantity>quality.

Yeah, um, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that…


fry i sent you a text … just b/c i can… its a fwd


Just sayin, don’t be mad if baby4door #3 doesn’t look like you…

:lol: :eyebrow:

Yeah, I passed it on.

Why would he be mad. He should be Thrilled if it doesn’t look like him.

lol title of this here is not pick on Mike’s Lil Men

ya ive already accepted that i might be able to have kids and prolly have a large tumor in the side of my head and on my leg where my pocket is.

:rimshot: <- New smiley. : rimshot:

lol what a dick :rimshot:

But anyways, cell phones are the least of my concerns.

Here’s the view from my office window:

Here’s one of the warning signs hanging on the perimeter fencing:

The workers are in duct taped Tyvec suits. They’re hauling away sealed dumpsters full of dirt. :ohnoes:

Praxair did some, uh, neat stuff during the cold war…

wow, I drive around with my treo under my balls. I better stop that.

lol i do the same thing b/c you cant hear it over the car.

I carry two cell phones pretty much all day long. Any hope of these enlarging my balls? If so I’ll carry more.