Cell Phone Useage Lowers Sperm Count?


as if being a huge dork isn’t enough birth control for you, now you’ve got this on your side too, matt! There is no way you’re knocking anyone up, ever! :stuck_out_tongue:

so is it when u use a hands free set or just general usage i didnt quite understand that part

dont laptops lower sperm count too?

on your lap yes

You use your celly more than I do, sir. I don’t have all of the WNY HS females blowing mine up. :wink:

That explains everything.


lol. most of them are college-aged, but i’ve been good for the past 2 months!!! I’m becoming a gentleman… :smiley:

lol… SkunkApe will now shoot dust particles…


The real reason why it lowers your sperm count is because only women like to talk on the phone all the time. You’re all turning into girls… :stuck_out_tongue:


thanks for the info. I like to do all I can to lower sperm count, then I don’t have to wear a rubber:D