Cell Phone Discussion

Bump… :thinking:

IDK, I love my iphone.

What does this Tesla phone do that’s better?

i just got re-butt-hurt remembering the onward mobility fiasco.

since i cant get a QWERTY keyboard phone anymore i have not brand loyalty so would consider Elon-Phone.

Unless it can iMessage, which it won’t because Apple has iMessage locked down tighter than Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, Elon can piss right off with his Tesla Phone.

EDIT: Any to any of my friends thinking of getting one, realize you’ll quickly be dropped from our group chats because no one wants to deal with your poor people green SMS messages.


Poor people have iPhones. There is no scarcity.

Also, if we’re in a group chat anything you do (reactions, likes, etc) shows up just fine on my phone. But anything I do doesn’t show up on your phone. I think you have an outdated understanding of how this works :wink: