When everything is said and done…people go to work for the paycheck. Suspend someone for a week and that should send a clear message that you mean business.

But like LZ said, as a business owner there are pretty serious legal issues here.

Write up an official policy, require each employee to sign it, then randomly select one of the people not following it and terminate on a Friday shortly after everyone arrives at work. Sounds like you’ve been too nice of a boss and people are taking advantage. Nothing like a little display of power to remind people that while you’re a good guy, you still run the place.

Well I’ll be home for the holidays. Toss me a bag of Salen’s hot dogs and $20 for gas and I’ll come in and yell at them for you.

^ you can be the “bad cop” for me. lol

Exactly, then they won’t be mad at you, they’ll be mad at me, but you’ll still get what you want in the end.

man up and be a better manager

create policy
write them up
3 strikes you’re out

This idea seems a little too passive-aggressive, wouldn’t you say? Do your job the correct way.

LOL, you remember on the jackass movie when Bam got branded with a dick on his ass? Hahaha

I think a stricter policy might be a more cost effective/legal/etc etc route to go.

God forbid a lawsuit come of this.

EDIT: its only 11k if you get caught… http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/index.htm?job=operations_2&id=cellular

pending nobody suffers any punitive damages and sues you for missing a call.

This idea seems a little too passive-aggressive, wouldn’t you say?

You should probably create a policy to allow cell phone use in designated areas during breaks.

I love it when I am told what I can and can not do on my property.

just trying to look out for you…

Id move toward stricter management… ie… make a mandatory meeting everybody MUST be there… make that an agenda at the meeting… if i see you talking on your phone, you will be suspended for the week w/ no pay… use your phones while on break or not at all… 2nd offense is 2 weeks… third, start looking for a new job.

And obviously make them sign off on it.

then hold true to the threat… you cant bitch out on new policies or everybody will think you’re soft.

Orrr open up some interviews for positions, or just one.
and make it like, really public that you’re looking for people.

So that way the people in that position, get skurrreed thinking they’re going to get canned and replaced.
so they start acting right.

even though you had no intention of hiring any of them anyway…
However, if that doesn’t work… then you can fire them anyway, and hire the best person you interviewed! yay.

Or god forbid try earning their respect. The i am your boss and pay you card doesnt really get you squat. No offence.

Honestly your employees respect and they will do quite a bit for you.

ill come work for you and get all phones taken off the floor… really ill be the bad guy i do it now at work…

you know how to get me … I can have my resume to you tomorrow