Just thought I would see if anyone has a hook-up on these.
Let me know.

hrm. what’s the application?


And btw you can’t own one of these and companies are not supposed to sell you them in the US…

If you’re trying to use this for your office they make boxes that detect cell phones and tell you to turn them off.


You mean you haven’t covered your office in lead yet? Better get on that… :tinfoilhat:

Yeah, it is for my company. Why the fuck do people need to be on the fucking phone all fucking day with their fucking spouse?!? I am not fucking paying you to talk to your fucking spouse about what they had for breakfast, lunch and what the fuck they are having for fucking dinner! Jesus Christ get a fucking life. It is time to re-evaluate your fucking life if you need to talk to your fucking spouse every fucking half hour about daily fucking bullshit. Focus on your fucking work or you will be at home talking to your spouse!

So yeah, I need a jammer. :slight_smile:
A guy is selling schematics on ebay but one of the buyers said he couldn’t buy all the required parts.

My office? Yes, but it is not in the budget to cover almost 25,000 sq/ft.:slight_smile:

eh, im sure a lot of your guys appreciate being able to receive calls in the event of an emergency.

do you have an official policy?

^We have land lines for that.
We have a company wide poilcy - no cell phones.
I gave one guy permision because his mother was on her death bed, now everyone’s mom is on their death bed. This is why you can’t be a nice guy and a business owner, people abuse any little thing you give them. I ask them, “Do you think Chinese workers get to stand around shooting the shit?” That is your competition.

Yeah, make an official policy that talking a cell phone gets you branded “STFU” with hot steel or something.

I will consider that. :smiley:

The Pentagon and other places use something similar to this…

I would worry about the legal issues involved with jamming cell signal and being a business owner.

Fire someone who sucks that always uses their phone. Then everyone else will get skurred… For a while. Then do it again.

Ccheaper than a jammer! Actually saves you monay.

What about that paint you can use? Or is it only for wifi?

We had the same cell phone problems at the shop I work for. Here is what we did to combat the problem. Allow your employees access to a company phone for emergencies, then they have no need for a personal phone. Tell them no cell phone usage while on the clock and make sure to follow through with the policy and the appropriate punishment. And make sure to put the policy in writing and hand it out to every employee with their next paycheck.

^We did hang up notices but did not mention specific punishment. This is where I have a hard time I guess, I don’t want to be a total tool but, that is why I get the big bucks I guess. Yeah right.:bloated:

Why don’t you just stop being a pussy and yell at them for talking on their phone.

What if Nicolas Cage is trying to get in contact regarding those sacred ancient artifacts and he’s being chased by Illuminati henchmen? Are you really gonna put yourself in that position?

^^Read post 16. I have a hard time between acceptance and money/profit. lol
People here know I have a long fuse but some are not aware of the size of the bomb at the end.

You are like one of those drunk guys at a party that does something mildly funny then keeps doing it all night and looks really stupid because everyone is over it.