Cell Phones in Cars in PA

??? have you never been behind some idiot that is sitting at a green light blah blah blah on the phone? Never been cut off by a soccer mom who is talking to her girlfriend? God forbid if you get near someone 70+ driving and trying to talk on the cell…I think this is a terrible response IMO.

I think the premise behind this is that it is proven that if you are talking on a phone while driving you are not 100% paying attention to the road and your surroundings. But good point on the eating…smoking and changing the channels, not so much.

I try not to talk on the phone in the car(s). I am guilty however. I’ve missed turns etc trying to talk on the phone. I think this is the law that will coax me into getting a head set, and I will probably still be uncomfortable driving while talking…

Texting and emailing while driving…I won’t even touch that one…:confused: :doh: