CEO of DC shoes (sorry if its a repeat)

man… it must be nice to have so much free time on your hands and STILL make probably 7 figures :rolleyes:

not too shabby

Are you kidding me?

This is STILL being reposted?

even my dad sent me this video…

^^^^LMAO, gotta like how he changed up the title.


Could not have found a better placement.

lmao…that’s why I rock a DC sticker on my Tercel winter car…

everyone and there dogs have seen this by now.

my bad…
the title wasnt edited either, i just didnt want THIS to happen
but yea, its new to me :/:

Where have you been the past month?

so sick

i havent seen it yet

Damn! Nice vid! I’ve actually never seen it.

^^^ wha? no old comment…

He’s switching it up. :smiley: