Some amazing work!
Dude just doesn’t stop does he? :wow
Must be an eerie feeling to walk by the art and not get it at all until you walk into the focal point and then it all makes perfect sense.
This guy fucking rules
This guy is awesome! I get a illusion sent to me everyday and they show his work all the time.
fricken amazing
He is literally nothing short of incredible
wow thats amazing. Does he work in any other mediums professionally?
Not sure honestly. He prolly has a wiki page
Here is to show how he has to draw it to get the effect
Gets you this
Some of these must take weeks!
Take a step back and just imagine the mindset this artist has to be in to focus on making this right. He’s literally got to visualize that entire work from start to finish no matter where he is while drawing. Simply astounding.
I’ve seen alot fo his work online, but that first picture you posted is mind blowing.
id love to see these person