changing headlight bulbs, S13

before i get labeled stupid, i do have an H4 conversion done, but i didnt’ do it, the body shop did it when they rebuilt the front end of my car.

so does someone mind giving me a step by step walk through on how to go about changing these headlight bulbs?

thanks alot in advance,

pull a phillips and red robby screwdriver out

look at the headlight.

notice the cover? 4 screws. take them out

now see the metal trim holding the light in?

use those screwdrivers, find the screws. they’re probably brown and rusty

spray some wd41 on the screws???

take out the headlight and changed the bulb…;
hopefully they’re sealed beams. in that case that body shop is ghetto and you probably dont have H4’s

phillips = X screwdriver
red robbbbbbbby = square
sealed beams = you’ll see

oh and buy a Haynes manual. it’d make life a whole lot easier…

for everyone :idea:

they have wd41 now? and to take the bulbs out (if you have h4 conversion done), just replace the bulbs at the back of the housing. you’ll know what to do when you see it, it’s just a clip holding the bulb in.

If its a sealed beam that means the bulb can not be replaced meaning you need to buy a new headlight unit which is pretty cheap like what $20?

If its an H4 conversion and when you pull it out you should see slips and screws holding down the bulb and you just unscrew and replace and thats the “un-sealed” version.

thanks everyone, they are a H4 conversion, it’s the bosch conversion kit (through PDM racing) and one of the bulbs burnt out in less than a week :evil:

so i’m gonna change both tonight, i’ll let you know how it goes.

thanks again,

Yeah make sure you dont’ touch the glass of the bulb with your fingers.

Oil residue from your fingers stays on the bulb and will cause it to burnout prematurely.