Changing up my fuel system a bit

So, for those of you who don’t know my fuel system in Lana, it is a 4 gallon Summit fuel cell with 2 -8 lines coming off of it. They go through pre-pump filters then Y into a -12 line, which feeds my FueLab Prodigy 41402 pump. The pump then feeds a -10 line to a post-pump filter, up to my rail, which has 4 1600cc Precision injectors, and then back via the return regulator and -8 AN line to my cell again.

I was having some intermittent fuel pump issues where it would not prime sometimes, so while the pump is being replaced, we are going to switch up the setup a little bit. Emery had a great idea to put the pump under the car, so that it is below the fuel level. Both Weldon and FueLab say that you can have the pump above the fuel level, but it is one more potential problem for losing prime in the fuel system.

The new setup will have one pre-pump filter, instead of 2, and then eliminate the Y fitting and some extra weight. Directly after the filter, will be the pump under and behind the fuel cell, under the car. This will not only keep a constant supply of fuel to the pump at all times, but it will also keep the pump much cooler. The pump flows WAY more fuel than a Walbro 255 pump, so it actually heats up the fuel pretty quickly. Being in the trunk, the FueLab pump wasn’t getting any air flow, and while it was not burning hot to the touch, it did warm up quite a bit.

This new setup should be lighter, cooler, and easier to work with. If all goes to plan, it will be all ready for the Letchworth picnic this coming weekend :tup:


cant believe u are thinking about the weight. hahaha ps - 4 gal sucks. should go with an 8 so we can cruise.

I get a little more than 40 miles per fill :tup:

I solve that problem by bringing 2, 5 gallon tanks with me, haha.

Your problems are because you run the lines higher than the sump. The lines and pump should be mounted lower than the outlet of the sump because they are gravity fed. You can see in the picture that the lines end up running higher. I would be willing to bet that the problem occurred when the fuel level in the cell was getting low. Your lines near the y block become a high point and fuel can’t flow to the pump.

Try moving the pump to a lower location. Or the raise the fuel cell some and secure it to the body so it doesn’t fly around.

These pumps are not immersed in the fuel so they have to be gravity fed at all times.

Try this before spending ass loads of money. I’m surprised Emery didn’t recommend doing this…

EDIT: didn’t read the rest of your post below the picture, just saw the picture and saw the obvious problems, just read it.

Hah, that’s the point of this thread, to show what we are doing to fix it!

Yah refer to the edit.

Touche :slight_smile:


Oh, a Fuelab failure? Weird.

Finished everything up on the fuel system today up at the shop. Eliminated about 5 fittings, a filter, a few brackets, and re-did the system so that the pre-pump filter and the pump are always below the fuel line. Here’s a shot from under the car, muscle car style fuel :tup:

Much better!


what made you go with a 4 gal cell? I would think that would get old having such a small range. I drive all my cars a lot I don’t know what your driving habits are with this car. drag only or weekend street beast or both.

I drive over 40 miles on the 4 gallon, and I can bring 5 gallon backups with me if I plan on driving further. It’s very rare that this car will see further than 40 miles at a time.