Charging phone while 'hot'?

You have to use it PJB. If you don’t use it, of course it won’t get hot.

My phone gets pretty damn warm…but that’s because I’m ALWAYS texting or browsing on it. Not to mention I have my entire work calendar, help tickets, etc. synced to my phone so it’s always being used for one thing or another.

To the OP…

My phone utilizes Palms “Touchstone” charging device. I can use my phone while it’s on the dock. And my battery is Lithium Ion…so I’m pretty sure this only applies to older phones as stated many times in this thread.

I do use my phone. I only use it for making and receiving phone calls, not internet or texting or any of that shit.

I’d venture to guess that my 3GS I-Phone has up to date battery/battery management, also.

When im using safari (internet explorer) on my Ipod touch, or apps for an extended amount of time, that thing gets HOT. usually let it cool down a bit.

(At a party last year i goto open the fridge and theres a iphone sitting in there :rofl i asked why, and someone said a girl did it bc it got to warm for her fingers :lol)

This 110%

I remember hearing that if you’re using it while it’s charging that there’s a risk of it blowing up

nothings happened to anyof my phones…

speaking of which i was playing resident evil on it ealier for 3 hours straight plugged in.
let it blow up, its got insurance… lol 2 week old phone :slight_smile:

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