Chat threads, and why I closed them

i agree that in off-topic only…safe nonsense should be left alone…ignore it if it bothers you.


If they annoy you, then don’t read them. You are a moderator I shouldn’t have to be telling you this. Its not about post whoring either since post count is not affected by OT. Its just something to pass the time and maybe get some funny comments out of. I realize you don’t think they are funny, but that is your opinion. The threads don’t violate board rules, so who cares? I love how people piss and moan about useless threads in OT!?!

Not to point fingers, but Corey posts some of the most useless stuff in world, but who cares?? Sometimes its funny and sometimes its not. If I don’t care to respond to a bird in his fireplace then I don’t. I forget about it and move on to the next thread. Some people here seem to be personally offended by posts that don’t interest them.

Please spell out for me exactly what it is you would like to see in OT.

omg way to pull a Toda.

OK, I’m gunna get banned for personal attacks. FUCK YOU!

no moderation without representation.

Eh… thier lame, but I just usually ignore them

I dont mind them as long as it doesnt get over dramified at which point i’ll stop reading that thread.

Off-topic wouldn’t be off-topic without off-topic posts. At least we don’t have random “So I took a shit today” posts. :tup:

survey says… back in action

Enough people also hate them, so I am limiting it to ONE ACTIVE whore thread in OT…

someone start one you wiredo fucks

How are you going to limit it to only one?

How are you going to decide when to end a thread to allow a new one to begin?

Seriously, we have been told time and time again that if you don’t like a thread don’t read it or post in it. Why can’t you do the same thing?


Instead of getting caught up with threads/posts where like some made here and on many other forums, I choose to leave myself out of it.

You can do. It’s kinda like the “if you think this thread is stupid, why even bother posting in it?”

do you need more than one? really? and yes they clog up OT and make searches harder, and take longer…