cheap,fast car


Thanks for al the help to the ones that actually offered advice. but to the guys who just poke fun, go fuck yourselves because all you do is search these forums to see who you can make fun of next, If you actually did race, I don’t think you would have much time to sit on the comp all day and type stupid shit like you do. And enough with this piccard bullshit, it makes no sense and is really gay. so when I buy my car and mod it up, I’ll be waiting for your asses to race me, if you ever get up off the computer and actually race. fuck you.


:lol: Deep breath. You asked a kind of foolish question and got a bunch of sarcastic answers. Deal with it.

Anyhow, a 5.0 fox with plenty of juice would probably be the cheapest and easiest way to hang with a late M3 in a straight line.