CHEAP house for sale by Union College NO MONEY DOWN & MORE!!

How if your breaking even? lol

Rather good investment? Sure.

best investment by far not.

And don’t you weasel out by saying “they aren’t making any more of it” bullshit response.

Plenty of things with a higher return on the investment out there and small risk.

Land/Homes cost you money to own in Taxes and or repairs while real investments just make guaranteed money over long term.

people that dont own houses dont understand man lol… Its a great investment when youve got a 5,000 unit… its a terrible investment if youve got 2-3 properties imo… 1 single fucking roof job and your profit is gone for 3-4 years.

I’m curious as to why owning 2-3 properties is a bad investment? I only ask this because my father owns a few properties and they always seem to turn a profit each month, even before he actually “owned” them and didn’t owe anything to a bank.


Money is in real estate, bottom line. It’s the only thing that holds true. The gold shit is gonna tank like everything else and people who invested all their money in it are fucked.

Yea, I’ve always been a fan of investing in property. I see it as something to keep me busy when I retire from the railroad. I can go cut grass, make repairs, and collect checks.

Dude… lol, you do know that real estate “tanked” as well correct? You know why they say “now is the time to buy a house”…Becuase the market absolutely sucks. Theres no difference between property and gold really exepet gold is undetectable and no stress.

2-3 properties is making you chump money.

Lets say you spent $100k on each property and you have 3 of them… Lets say your taxes on each one is $5k and you rent each propery for say $1,000 assuming there all two families.

$3,000 a month times 12 months is $36,000 TOTAL. Now deduct $15,000 in taxes and your at a measily $21,000 which a starting position at dunkin donuts pay… This is not to mention you are never gaurenteed to have all of your properties rented at once, have someone NOT pay you, or repairs to your house…

Last, at $21,000 a year profit which btw is MAX b/c of the variables ive explained it would take you 14 years with NO interest to even START making money…

like I said before, unless your doing it big real estate is not a good investment unless your thinking of retirement money or something…

an 8-10 unit rehab property would probably be the only thing I would do besides buying and flipping properties… In other threads I exlained theres a 9 unit plus store front on brandywine in schenectady, can get it for $65,000… Probably needs $10k worth of work putting you at $75,000. Rent each unit for $650 and the store for a G and your bringing in $82,200! Take off $17,000 in taxes lol and your at $65,200…THATS the only way to do it.

Your posts make me laugh with you saying “chump money” and making “big money”. Most people who invest in property aren’t doing this to supplement it as their only income so an extra $21,000 or whatever math you came up with is fine with me because I have a good paying job with a pension.

I look at my property investing as another retirement or if when I have kids and their old enough to move out on their own, I turn over a property to each of them. I’m not buying run down crack houses and section 8 garbage just to put quick money in my pocket. There’s too much risk with deadbeat’s like that. I’d rather buy investment properties that appeals more to retiree’s and people with stable jobs.

L4B is only looking to turn a quick a buck. Get rich quick schemes and shit. Owning properties are long term things my dude. Everyone I know who rents out a house or couple homes makes awesome money. You’re crazy if you thing thats a bad investment. Great poinnt Jay, It’s to supplement their income, not their SOLE income. So extra 20k-30k, whatever a year is perfect. I want to buy rental property, have it pay for itself, and the mortgage for the home I live in, etc.

You said a good investment… A good investment is the lowest amount of cashed layed out with the biggest returned with the least work… Forgive me if I insulted you, if you enjoy not making a dollar but still working for 14 years before you make a penny, hey why the hell am i gonna stop ya? BTW, a section 8 approved house is probably the best thing you could ever get for a house, it is gaurenteed money in your pocket every single month with a check mailed to your door step, but it seems you enjoy chasing people around for checks. I didnt mean to say “chump money” as in it aint shit, but why spent 3 times the amount to make way less?

dude my future plans are property too, but I know tons of people who do it and I listen to people who know there shit… I know everything I know by listening to others who knew it before me.

If I invest it will be a minimum of a 4 unit and I will buy it needing work. Needing work does not mean its in a shiity area whatsoever lol, it means its cheap and if you or someone you know can do the work cheap its a steal. My friend bought a house in Saratoga in an amazing neghborhood for 68k and sold it for $240k with 6k in repairs, why wouldnt you??

def interested, sending pm now

All the properties we own were paid off well before the 15 year note. If you buy right and buy in nice area’s then you typically do not have to worry about high turn over rates, fixing trashed units due to renting to dirt bags, and the rent for even a 1 bedroom is higher then in a shit hole area.

L4B doin’ it big

Jammer does Rehabs… Hes doing one in Colonie right now so this means we shouldnt buy properties in Colonie right??

Your a good dude bro, im just messing with ya, but just becuase a house needs work doesnt mean the people were scumbags and even if they were it doesnt mean the next people will be… Your the 1 renting the house, you pick and choose who you want in there.

I love all the assumptions you make about my situation. I’ve never had to chase a single tenant for a check because I don’t rent to scumbags. I’m pretty sure it’s only taken me a year to make a profit on it and not 14. I don’t give a dead moose’s last shit how many hundred’s you stack a week. Section 8 is a bad move IMO. You deal with scumbags, people that depend on the government to get them by each month. You deal with people that could care less about your property so they let their dogs shit on the floor,they throw their boyfriends and girlfriends through walls. That is no aggravation I have time for, but it seems like it’s right up your alley along with the rest of your ghetto superstar stackin millions to the ceiling great ideas.

Ghetto superstar LOL. Section 8, F that shit. People trash your place.

lol you make me laugh… you really do. I no motherfuckers in $500,000 houses that dont pay there mortgages, but hey becuase of the price of the house they CANT be scumbags right? I know people in loudonville thats rent is $1,200 and they turn the lights off when the landlord comes to avoid paying the rent, but YO SON they in Loudonville brah, they aint scumbags… You are a sheltered little kid, mommy and daddy raised you in a nice house and a nice neighborhood and thats all your used to. Shitty neighborhood means shitty people? fuck you.

They also stay there 10 years before they leave.

No fuck you sir. Not a little kid. Raised in a good neighborhood? Check. Educated? Yup. Sheltered? I don’t know what I would have been sheltered from but ok. If we’re making assumptions then I guess I can’t help myself either. Sorry your parents hated you and didn’t value instilling education into you, sorry you didn’t grow up in a nice neighborhood. You sound like Eminem, buck. Go back to D12.