CHEAP house for sale by Union College NO MONEY DOWN & MORE!!

Thats when you knock the mother fucker’s door down, and throw their scumbag asses on the street where they belong.

-Sully, lol

Sadly, in New York State that isn’t the case. They can stay their up to 6 months and not pay you a single dime.

My father’s been doing this a long time, over 30 years now. He’s heard stories of stuff like that but call it luck of the draw he’s never had any bad situations like that.

For the record l4b is right about section 8. Dirt cheap house that needs to be bare bones acceptable, 4 unit with guaranteed income, that cost you 40k is a damn good investment.

If you’re going to have $1200-1500 rent coming in from either a colonie house or a 4 unit shit hole, but colonie cost you $180k and schenectady cost you $40k, which one would you rather have?

I’d own in Colonie any day of the week over some crack house in Schenectady. I do not want to have to get stuck dealing with people trashing my property and all the other b.s. associated with it. I have other plans with what I will do with mine 20-30 years from now that could benefit my future family.

whichever one is NOT in a flood zone


Have fun with section 8.

when this happens, ill take as much gold as i want by force!:ahh

brass ftw. :number1

When it happens… you’ll be able to find me at the dragon on a stolen motorcycle with a stolen fuel tanker doing runs until I die.

So about half a run. :rofl


Real estate is a horrible investment.

He is either extreamly generous or there is something fishy going on.

He may be right but that is also under the assumption that the people don’t trash the place. Have you ever seen a nice looking Section 8 housing development? No. People who need section 8 and people who abuse section 8 are two different people with the latter being scumbags that couldn’t care less about your property. Guess who the majority is?

You guys are telling me this like I didn’t do clean up jobs for a number of months in foreclosed and section 8 houses last year with Singh. I’ve also build a section 8 house for Jammer while working construction earlier last year.

If you’re trying to make it sound like a grenade goes off in those houses that is simply not the case.

I guess people are afraid of what they dont know.

Chris how many have you met that fear the stock market and tell you all these stories about how terrible it is? Same thing.

dudes are gonna do what they wanna do, fuck it lol… im just giving advice, if someone wants to spent a couple hundred grand on a house in Colonie for rental purposes that only generates $1,000 a month hey, be my guest… Ill be in the 4 unit “crackhouse” for $40k making 4 times the amount spending what? $400 after they “trash” the place? 90% of what someone would “trash” is cosmetic and not expensive to fix especially if your doing the labor yourself… BTW, embaressingly enough my sister who lives in NYC who I dont give a shit about which is why im mentioning this had 3 kids and then got into an accident and was disabled has section 8… Magicly enough, her apartment is flawless even with 3 kids, a dog and a rabbit and shes been there for years… The beauty of being a home “owner” is you get to CHOOSE who you let in your house.

I rented to a single mother with a child that disabled who qualified for section 8. They kept the place flawless and were great to rent to the 3 or so years they were there. That was my only experience with section 8, and I’m sure its far from the avg section 8 experience but it seems fucked up to label anyone on section 8 a scumbag.

But then it’d involve more work. You said yourself your goal is to buy the cheapest place, make more money with the least amount of work involved. And your sister would fall into the category of people who need Section 8 in my previous post. I never said all people in Section 8 are bad.

Read my previous post… I never said they were all scumbags.

Nah not u, jrubino