CHEAP house for sale by Union College NO MONEY DOWN & MORE!!

Yup, i’ve put a label on them. I don’t care either. I’ve heard too many horror stories about section 8 and other people that require government assistance.

im with ya man. 9/10 of section 8 assisted tenants are dirt bags.

my buddy has a section 8 unit by his work down in 2nd ave or something. some of the negra scum that lived there straight up destroyed the 2nd floor. ripped the sink out, water was running, made the 1st floor ceiling collapse. they packed up and took off. leaving it going for a few weeks like that. stand up citizens.

So anyone that requires help from the government to get by and survive are scumbags? Youre a moron.


Look it up, over 50% of the WORLD is on some kind of public assistance… I think its more like 60% of the world.

Dave, it’s called quality bud… A 60k dollar property in schenectady will be a 60k dollar property in 20 years. A 200k property in nisky or colonie will be a 400k property in 20 years… In the long run you get a quality property that is increasing in value and less headaches… Too me it’s worth it, but then again im not aiming to be a slum lord. People see things differently.

You all people should no thats not true lol… I told you what I have into my house and you know the price im selling it for now which is dirt cheap. Im makin fuckin money off my shit and alot of it lol… And why would you want to sell a $40k property if your making $40k or close to it YEARLY by renting it? lol…

If you read what i wrote below youd see me saying for RETIREMENT purposes, sure, go with the expensive property that you pay off over your entire life and when your about to retire and the property is just about paid off sell it and theres your retirement…sure, thats a cool way to go I suppose, but your NOT making ANY income whatsoever by buying a $200k house and renting it out for $1,000 a month. That $1,000 a month is going towards your taxes and mortgage, you MIGHT make $100-200 a month after both are paid, which is stupid and a terrible investment if your doing it as NON longterm income.

Yeah but you’re missing the point.

Dave doesn’t want to wait 20 years to double his money invested.

Not to mention 20 years of paying at least $4000 in tax a year on a 200k house, will only leave you with 120k profit. Rent isn’t included as either cheap or nisky house would be rented so that’s equal.

That comes out to $6000 a year return on investment of 200k, which is 3%, which will be entirely offset by the APR on the house and assuming market will double it in 20 years and doesnt burst again.

Plus 60k house in Schenectady will also increase in price if surrounding areas double their value over 20 years.

Just look at the trends over 10 years on most realty sites.

BINGGOOO!!! By the time you guys pay OFF your $200k colonie house and START to make money, ill have MADE $500,000 off my $40k house lololol.

you guys are in fucking lala land… dave i love ya but dude you guys gotta stop smoking crack together…

who buys a 200k house and rents it out for 1k??? Im talking two family for 200k, bringing in 2k + a month…

A house like yours in a better location would bring in 2-3 times as much income and taxes will be lower which basically evens out.

do you really want me to get into this right now??

you flipping a property is totally different than what im talking about…

I know dave and i know hes going to make money selling it… im talking about keeping it as an investment… totally different…

comparing his property to a 200k property in colonie is like comparing grapes to bicycle tires.

I just described how this 200k “investment” would work out above.

Your 3% net property value increase would be eaten away by the APR. In the end the now 400,000 house actually cost you 400,000 after 20 years by paying 80k plus in taxes, improvements and APR.

If you’re solely relying on rent for income, buy cheap and big.

In colonie on Collegeview Drive off of Albany shaker rd where I used to live and your friend lives theres a 2 family for sale for $286,000 with both apartments currently rented… There two br units and only going for $875 a month man… even at $875 your only making $1750 a month and its very likely the mortage payment to be a grand or more and your taxes around $400 a month. In the end your actually paying out of your POCKET to keep those properties and even then it will take you 23 years at a $1,000 mortgage payment WITHOUT interest which in the end will be half of what you were paying for the house to being with lol…so add another 5-10 years lolol… That sucks dude lol.

Yeah that’s not the smartest scenario… Most cases people will buy high to live in the other half… Poor dude

end result is rubino was saying hed rather buy a $200k+ Colonie house anyday of the week for investment and income not to live in anyday of the week rather then a $40k 4 unit that groses $2k a month… Hopefully you would agree that the $40k 4 unit would be an insanely better investment anywhich way you put it.

Easy with the wordings. This thread is already getting close to getting people banned.

No personal attacks on other members.

lol caught that did ya? haha… What if hes not jewish? if it still a personal attack?

Check the rules. Any discriminatory language based on race, religion, color or shoe choices isn’t allowed.

I honestly wish I could get approved for this. I’d buy it in a heartbeat and rent it out. I can’t believe you still have this dude.

I wouldnt if craigslist allowed to me to fucking post but for some reason it says its listed but its not on there… Best part is… Youd get the down payment paid for, youd get the $5k in cash to do whatever with… AND Id rent it out from you so you have immediate income lolol… Only selling it to get the bulk cash so I can use it for my business… I tried to just finance the house, but they wont let me becuase I havent owned it for long enough.