Cheapest place to buy Royal Purple

Hey everyone. so nothing touches the internals on my s13 but royal purple but its so damn costly, anyone know any cheap shops with cheap good motor oil ?

Walmart in the states…

i have a royal purple rep who is a personal friend, pm me with what u need and ill make a call, i have about 4 cases on order, so i might be able to get more


I’m so fucking confused…


I get mine @ Napa… I believe its $8.99L or in around there… I know its cheaper than Mobile 1 and one of the Castrols.

Ok…Why is it that so many people want good products for as cheap as possible? Seriously?
I must be one of a handful, who have no qualms spending money on quality products. Sorry for the rant, but this is just so bothersome.
It’s oil… It’s the life of your engine, etc… If you don’t want to spend the money to protect it. Buy the cheap stuff. Ruin your investment. Bitch about it so we can say we told you so…

Just because we find the cheapest price for royal purple it doesn’t make the oil any less effective.

Royal Purple is Royal Purple, $5.99 USD @ walmart or $8.99 CDN @ part source. What’s the difference?

Tell me, will your car run better if you pay MSRP for every product you purchase and I pay the discount price by shopping around? (same installer, same parts, same motor, same chassis)

No, it won’t… I’m just a little richer then you, that’s all.

There’s nothing baller about spending MSRP, that’s the way I see it… Others may disagree.

^ I didn’t quite mean it like that. I mean it like: Everyone wants the high end stuff but no one wants to pay for it. If the oil is a good oil. Why not pay up for it if it protects that motor we all drop so much money into. Not directly refering to Royal Purple.
It just seems so many people want high end products for knock off prices… Or quality services for next to nothing.
I am by no means, richer than anyone or more baller than anyone.

its oil just spend the extra dollar or 2 , ur gonna change it every 3 months. its better then hunting around to save 2 dollars to just spend those 2 dollars and get it from like napa. + its only 9 bucks a litre 36 bucks for oil and like lets say at most 5 bucks for a filter. 41, i think royal purple oil is just hyped up to much.

It’s about finding the best deal…bang for the buck for our hard earned dollar bro. Pay more for quality but try to find the best price for it than getting ripped off without hunting for a better price out there.

That’s all;)

I still don’t see what you’re saying and would respond with the exact same post I made previously.

Finding the best price is part of my decision process when purchasing. Ask Bing/Varun, I’m cheap.

Unrelated to the above link:

I can understand paying a few dollars more if you are building a relationship with a store which you will net a gain in savings over a longer period of time.