I played the game “cornhole” last summer and loved it so I decided to make a set of my own this year, just in time for our party. Here’s a few pictures from start to finish.
Started with 2 sheets of 3x2 3/4 inch birch plywood
It took me a few weeks of working on it sparingly and about $150 all said and done… Most of the cost was for paint, stain, and polyurethane. Other than that the wood is relatively cheap.
Yes I could buy one already made that looks as shitty as the one blue eyed devil posted, but for $50 more I chose to make it myself, the way I wanted it to look. I also don’t mind the screw holes because I like the way it looks.
Also, the wood itself costs about $40, it’s the paint, stain, polyurethane, vinyl decal, and 6" hole saw that shoot the price up. Now that I have most of the stuff, the next one would cost about $65.
And for the price of your e30 build you can probably buy a new 1 series. But I’m sure you get satisfaction out of doing it yourself and having something that is uniquely yours.
I stole the monogram off a website and added the P. The picture was very small so when I blew it up, it was all pixelated and very jagged. They tried to smooth it out the best they could and that’s how it came out. I am completely fine with it because I knew that’s how it was going to look and figured it would appear more like I free hand painted it.