Cornhole boards (6" hole saw)

Does anyone happen to have a 6" hole saw that I could borrow? I only need to cut two holes in 1/2" plywood. If not, I’ll just pick one up tomorrow.

I think I have a 6" one but we’re pretty far from each other. IIRC I got it at Harbor Freight in a set for like $12

Thanks, but yeah we’re pretty far. If they have one, HF might be good enough. All I’m doing is trying to put some corn hole boards together before our daughter’s graduation party. I just can’t do a sabre saw/dremel/rotozip though. Too much of a perfectionist - who uses pocket holes to build corn hole boards? :nuts:

:kekegay: you said corn hole :kekegay:

I am the great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole. Bungholio! Are you threatening me?

Side note… I am in a Cornhole league and my team name is the Great Cornholio’s

HOLY SHIT BRO YOU’RE MAD ORIGINAL! Thanks for posting that.

If you rank in the top three in a cornhole league…does that mean you threw the most in the hole or took the most? Who really is the winner?

I used a sabre saw after laying them out with a compass, btw.

One time whitey asked me to borrow a 1" hole saw. A week later a campus wide letter was sent out warning people about glory holes appearing in the bathroom stalls.

Coincidence? I think not.

Thought this was a joke, Actual corn hole tossing leagues :wtf:
Damn, You guys are weird.

Has to be another word for this game ! :rofl:
any question I’ll ask will be turned into something else, Google i go

I’ve heard it called Baggo too.

You mean that you don’t want to play cornhole, Shaggy? :kekegay:

I would imagine it’s a league for neutered men in their 30’s trying to convince themselves that they are still young by trying to play college drinking games, but in an organized fashion so their wives will allow them to participate.


:rofl: thought it was a special Board mounted on a wall to climb or popping darkstars mum corn sized zits

Got them built, finishing the 3 layers of polycrylic now, then I can attach the tops. Hole saw made a nice clean cut. Used pocket hole joints, 1/2" hardware, & oak plywood. Thought the stain might bleed past the masked area, but pressing the tape down with a putty knife worked good.






Very nice Jeff. Those are probably the classiest cornhole boards I’ve ever seen. You would see those at a college party in Fox Chapel.

Final product with brushed nickel handles. No wonder my wife doesn’t want me to build my own shed. :slap:




those are very nice… well done sir, well done

really nice Jeff! Care to make me a set?

I’d love to do some more custom ones if I had time. But then I’d want to put together some jigs to keep the tolerances in check for manufacturing. Then eventually I’d have to sell them in stores to cover costs, Wal Mart would start to carry them, pressure me to keep costs down, production would be forced to China, and the quality would turn to shit. Oh well, it was a fun hobby while it lasted. :smiley: