So they have cornhole tournaments at bars in Indiana.

Yep, you read it right. The bar I’ve been eating lunch at out here advertises cornhole tournaments on Saturday nights. God bless the midwest. :picard:

Yeah apparently it’s got something to do with bean bags and a hole cut in plywood, although I think that’s just what they tell outsiders and it really is exactly what you think of when you think of cornhole tournaments in the midwest.

Ever heard of this?

I have heard of it and all I can say is run away man…or your wife wont recognize your azzhole. :frowning:

They have them in ohio too…my friends brother-in-law is from there and they play all the time. We play here too, good backyard game.

Game is like horseshoes…
-Board are angled and are about 2’ by 4’
-2 players on a team
-4 bags each…take turn tossing them
-1 point for on the board -3 for in the hole
…everything negates
-so if i have 2 on and you got 1 in. You got 1 point.
-play to 21

they had a cornhole tourney at 3rd base one time … i didn’t get to stop in to see what the fuck it was… thanks for the clarification

they had a cornhole tourney at club w a while back. bobbyg and i won it and got a $50 bar tab. it’s a lot like horse shoes but you throw bean bags. it’s not as gay as it sounds.

lame… that’s like rings… or polish horse shoes

i’ve seen this played while tailgating at bills games.

its a really big thing in the central us. i have a lot of vendors based out that way. they are also really into roller derby.

Google image search was good too,lol.


its a really big thing in Key West, Nantucket, and SF. i have a lot of vendors based out that way. they are also really into hot dog eating contests.




insert quote here from the movie Harlem Nights where the dude picks up the phone calls his wife and says “honey its so and so, I aint ever comming home again” click.

you love it out there !!