there 24 bucks but there cool as hell
Get one. You won’t.
What do they do?..besides unlock doors
i want to get one but i dont think anyone will want to cut it for me
+20hp at the ignition
Sweet, gotta get me one or six of those
+21hp :lol
People are ricing out keys now? WTF?
This angers me.
fuck all that noise
this is where its at
My brother has one for his ranger. True Value cut it for him. They are cheezy aluminum, and pivots are sloppy. He had it for 2 years and it still works fine. For 10$ it is cool.
keys = fail
So you drive a push button igntion car? Lucky you. :
not cool
byron has the key for the suby in a snap on screw drive handle… he’s had that for about 3 years now
$200 replacement… FTL!
This is more FAIL then travis :idiots