I'm an idiot, laugh at me...

So i was planning on calling up my inruance company this week and putting the Z back on the road. I wanted to start it up and let it run for a while first, to make sure that in the past few months nothing’s found a way to break itself…no point in insuring it until i am sure it runs and runs well.

I go to get the keys for the Z, and where are they? Don’t know…

I specifically remember taking my summer key set, putting it with my spare keys, and putting them away. My current set of keys only has a house key and the beater key on it.

I tore my entire house apart, literally almost…pulled every drawer out of my room, every shelf completely cleared off, emptied every bin and storage compartment i could possible have used in my room…and they’re all missing.

It got to the point of nausea and sweats yesterday tearing through my house frantically looking for them…and with a mother like mine, there’s always the chance that they found their way to the garbage because they’re not hers, and therefore not important ( :tdown: to living at home )

Is it possible for a locksmith to make a copy from scratch? or will i have to order all new ttop locks, door locks, and ignition? there has to be an easier way than that…

Most of the time you can call a locksmith, bring your title down to them and they can craft a key from scratch. There is a place by the Airport on Genesee IIRC on the left hand side of the road just past the airport after Union. They were able to make me a key for my 99 GSX when I thought I lost mine. Costs about $20 bux.

did you lock them in the car

when jay wonch lost his key for his balla ass dodge dynasty he just went to the dealer with his title and they made him a new one.

call the nissan dealership

look in the ignition of the car too lol

Just goto Nissan…with your title/reg and they can cut you a new key lol

look in the car, toolbox, and if u need a new one just take your title, and drivers license to the dealer and they’ll cut you new ones from the VIN number

that sucks… i hate losing things… go to the dealer. as said above.


You are an Idiot! hah ahah aha hahaha hah hahaha haha

i wouldn’t sweat it. i lose stuff constantly.

CALL NISSAN WITH UR VIN…they made keys for my 1991 maxima with the VIN…they asked for proof of ownership

I brought the lock from the door to a locksmith, and they made a key for it in about a minute. (Assuming the door key is the same as the ignition) Don’t need the title for this one, and it’s something I’ve actually done.

Good luck!

They’ll turn up approximately 5.87 seconds after you get the new ones made. This always happens…

That’s ok. I lost the keys to a vehicle that I had sold. I still never found them.


They’ll turn up approximately 5.87 seconds after you get the new ones made. This always happens…


like the time i ordered a duplicate drivers license at the dmv, came home and put on a pair of pants i hadnt warn in a while and low and behold…

there it was in the pocket. literally found it 5 minutes after i spent $20 to order a new one :bloated:


like the time i ordered a duplicate drivers license at the dmv, came home and put on a pair of pants i hadnt warn in a while and low and behold…

there it was in the pocket. literally found it 5 minutes after i spent $20 to order a new one :bloated:


did u in turn, sell it to someone under age? :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


when jay wonch lost his key for his balla ass dodge dynasty he just went to the dealer with his title and they made him a new one.

call the nissan dealership


I found them in the couch btw…

i brought my vin number to honda dealer and they made me a key

andy u dumbass :stuck_out_tongue:


did u in turn, sell it to someone under age? :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


no, i gave it to my cousin :slight_smile: