I'm an idiot, laugh at me...

my work truck key i lost yesterday searched everwhere for it. started panicking turns out was in the door. (the key ring whole is broke so it came off my key ring)


I tore my entire house apart, literally almost…pulled every drawer out of my room, every shelf completely cleared off, emptied every bin and storage compartment i could possible have used in my room…and they’re all missing.

It got to the point of nausea and sweats yesterday tearing through my house frantically looking for them…


I hate when I lose shit. But is even worse when you set something down for a second and spend an hour looking for it and it was in plain site the whole time…

the interior locking mechanism for the driver door doesn’t work…so the only way to lock the driver door is from the outside…meaning that since the car is locked, the keys had to have been outside of the car. I remember putting the summer keys with my spares, and putting them all in the same safe and secure place…so safe and secure in fact, that they will remain there for a long time, untouched and unseen…

I didnt think they’d be able to make a copy of a key from scratch from records for a 17 year old car…good to know… :tup:

Woody where are you, you still work at West Herr nissan, right?

AAA does it nice.

Ohhh my favorite link to post EVER…


:lol: haven’t seen that clip in a while…

The thing that pisses me off the most that i think i forgot to mention is that with the spares was the original titanium Z key, i think nissan only made 1 titanium key for each z, and they’re seriously going for over $100…i think closer to $200…haven’t checked in a while…

Ah dude still havent found ur key… that sucks


I found them in the couch btw…


the porno couch always ate my keys.

and newman, you dont lose anything. i steal it. and give it to jam.

FOUND THEM!!! :tup: X 349759864

Well i didnt find my summer key ring set…but i did find one spare, with the original expensive titanium key…which is really the only one i was concerned about…

Most ridiculous, hidden spot ever too…

In one of those tiny envelopes that kids carry lunch money in, which was then placed in a jewelry box from a pair of earrings, which was then put in a 4"X4"x3" tin box, which was in a brown paper lunch bag, which was under a sheet of paper, in a big plastic storage bin, which was under my bed, pushed out of reach, against the wall…

i pulled it out previously, twice…and both times, looked at the tin can that held the earring box that held the envelope that held the keys…

and both times…thought to myself “damn just earrings…no keys…”

i was wrong…and i’m just as pissed off right now as i am happy to have found them

Went outside, and to my suprise, car started right up! :tup:

I didn’t expect any problem to have occurred over the past 4 months, but i thought for sure that battery would be dead from sitting out in the cold like that, without being started once that whole time.

Now i can look forward to another week or two of snow before i can drive it i guess…

:tdown: Buffalo weather

congrats, now you are a lucky idiot :smiley:

nice! good find :slight_smile:

u find ur keys, and i just tore down the evo AGAIN :wtf: fucking rice burners



what the hell were you thinking when you put them in all that shit???