Check out this baby....

Oh I want one :slight_smile: I am deciding on the D90 since it takes motion video…

i love cheesecake

I love me too:)

Cheesecake = Almost perfect

in case you dont know if anything goes wrong with it and you send it in to be fixed under warranty nikon takes forever.

The picture is of a D300 though not the D90… :shrug:

I too have been looking at the D90 recently, nice piece of equipment.

It is…I wonder what file format the video is written to memory.

That is not a baby. That is a camera.

I can vouch for that, they cover just about everything though

AVI (Motion JPEG), 1280x720 @ 24fps.

a lil OT, I know I can look up pricing but what do these run($)?
im sick of my point and shoot POS.

we can get the D90 body for $729

I would NEVER buy a D90.

Anytime you split formats on one piece of equipment you drop quality.

I just picked up a D60 - Now I need more lenses!

hey u silly goose the cam technology in split design has come a LONG WAY MY FRIEND

they are doing the same with the high end Canon as well

what do u have so far?

Using Canon as an argument is not an appeal for me Micah :wink:

lol if canon does it too then its OK! haha

Yeah I have to say as far as high end i’d never touch a cannon, IDK just something about em i dont like.

canon, is, sick. u guys are crazy