Check points

:boink you’re right about these points, except in our society it’s not OK to entrap (sitting outside a bar is entrapment) but it’s OK to inconvenience everyone else equally and get less results. Like at a checkpoint.

As for a money generating entreprise, yeah, stuff like motorcycle and car emissions are definitely a racket. And inspection practices are also a bit lax at some of the shady “lick-'em-and-stick-'em” inspection centers. But, if we put car alcohol-immobilizers on every car (and motorcycle?), it would be Un-American, right? Where’s the fine line between public outcry and big brother? I think checkpoints are a “fair” compromise in the scope of the aforementioned extremes, but I agree they’re unconstitutional according to the 4th Amendment. A checkpoint that is in place where everyone is stopped is no better than Nazi Germany (Paperssss Pleassse!).