check this bad boy out

so :cool: I love feeding spiders and watchin them eat

i feel like i’m watching nova on pbs with all of eurodads pics…

:eek3: Its funny I am reading this now, I havent looked at this thread since its been started. I HATE HATE HATE spiders. Today, my boss and I am leaving a business who has a large account with us, and he gets in the fj and i open the door and am getting in, and theres one of those black spiders pictured back in the thread somewhere. The ones that jump and have white spots on it. It was about the size of a dime, but I dont give a shit if its the size of a flea…so I start screaming like a little school girl, and my boss is like whats wrong? Im like theres a spider, oh my god oh my god. so he comes over and hes like oh shit, i guess I have to be a man here and kill it, huh? Im like yeah or you can just leave me here. So he killed it and we proceeded to talk about spiders, roaches, junebugs and ticks the whole way back to the office. Im definitely having nightmares tonight between that and this thread. I am itching now too. And feeling a bit nauseated. :eek3:

if only you knew how many spiders are probably in your office crawling around right now…:smiley:

yeah well if i see one, you are getting a call, LOL.

catch that thing, then go out and find other spiders for it to fight. spider ufc ftw!!!

this thread makes me horny