I hate spiders… Except this one. He rocks. He’s chillin in my Mom’s garden and I’ve never seen a spider like this… He’s like some rain forest shit or somethin. been chillin there for about a week at least… Still there now.
He’s not AS big as he looks, although he is much larger than average.
dude you’re totally obsessed with this thing…you sit at work and show me pics of it on your phone all day…for all i know it has a name now…hell you might even be saving up to buy it a ring…it’s becoming freaky, let it go ryan…let it go…
lol it look dangerous, like highly poisonis er sum thin, i say catch it in an aquarium and buy those mice they sell to feed to snakes ans see if it kill the mouse
that first one was one we were trying to figure out at the last rally x i went to but the thing was gigantic he was eating a cricket the size of my pinkie. if you thought yours was big check out this fucker, i think he ate a kids transmission.
Now that i look at it i dont think its the same spider