I dunno… maybe you all might of seen this already but this is some pretty serious shit! this is why D1 is sooooo good
I haven’t paid much attention to D1 since tbs Yasuyuki Kazama days. Kazama was definitely my favourite D1 driver. After the sponsor fiasco that had Tsuchiya telling a few dudes to lay low-one being Kazama-I stopped following it.
I love the tight balls to the walls driving that comes from years of running unforgiving touge. I love how several D1 drivers- a lot- run the streets in their cars and never turn their backs on their roots.
havent watched D1 in a while, that was some good shit
Sick video
Great vid !
Wow that’s awesome. Now that makes me respect drifting. That’s fun to watch
What’s the objective again? Sorry for the noob question…
do you mean the objective of what they’re doing? … it’s to be Bad f-ing ass…
I think that’s an amazing idea to foam the walls, so if you eat shit your car doesn’t get that f-ed
another win for the S13!! I’m impressed by the quality of the video recording these days in D1 and the hot slow-mo replays…wow!
Dunno if D1 has changed much since I last followed it years back, but I know judging was based on speed (entry and exit), angle, and tire smoke. Things like letting off the throttle and not holding it will hurt you, that’s why Kazama was the man. Balls to the wall, WOT, like a bat out of hell.
Looks like they have improved Odaiba a ton. I love the small tracks/ parking lots they use in Japan.
Koguchi actually makes me enjoy drifting and the way he’s built his car each iterations is great
Anywho you all know how anti-drift i am… but when I see this kinda shit I’m all grins and two thumbs up mad japanese psychooooo supaaaaa excited
And this is the famous video where he goes one wheel lol of which the photo has spread on every forum
was that the same d1 vid where the subi smashes the pole? ididnt watch it all.
Koguchi has always made me want a 180sx. I still need to see country kun murdering Happo. This footy is legendary for a reason. I am still on wait for Drift Society 2!!! Not cool!